🖤 One Year Ago 🍋 🖤

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- Here is your late One Year Lemon ~ You know how hard it was to think of a thing? A thing that only Luffy can do? Very hard! Here you go, have your thing -

You run into your room, you lock the door. You look at Luffy, smile at him. "Luffy ~"

Luffy stares at you, watches you as you walk over to him. You take his hat, put it on. Slide his cardigan off. Your eyes shimmer over, you look into his eyes. You gently push Luffy back towards the bed.

"You're beautiful," you draw your finger along his jaw.

"Luffy ~" You hold his face, kiss him, he kisses back.

Luffy takes his hat, places it on the end of the bed.

"Don't forget your promise ~" You lingered over his lips.

Luffy's hands glide down your hips. He lifts your top, pulling it over your head. Tosses it aside, pulling you closer.

"I won't," he kisses your neck.

"Mmm ~ Luffy ~" You place your hands on his shoulder. Your nails rake along his shoulder.

Luffy undoes your pants, they drop to the floor. He pulls the sash off, quickly takes his pants off. As he picks you up, pushes himself in.

"Luffy ~" You wrap your legs around his waist. Locking your ankles together.

"(Y/N) ~" He hugs you with one arm, his hand firmly on your thigh.

You throw your head back, he kisses your chest. Luffy thrusts up into you. You moan, call out his name. He stops looks at you, you look to see what was wrong. Before you could say something, you smash his lips into yours. You hold his head in place not letting him move.

He licks your lips, you allow him in. Your tongues fraught, Luffy wasn't going to let you win. You weren't going to give up so quickly. Just as he thrusts, you squeeze him. Causing Luffy you moan into the kiss. You took your chance, pushing him back. Claiming your victory, searching every little bit of him.

Once you were happy you broke the kiss. Smirking at him, Luffy turned away. "That's not fair..."

"I won ~"

"That's cheating..."

You turn him back, he looks into your eyes. "Luffy ~ Love me ~"

He walks over to the bed, lays you on the bed. "I always love you."

"I'll always love you ~"

Luffy looks you over, you smile up at him. Your eyes sparkle like sunlight hits the ocean.

He thrust into you harder, "ahhh ~ Luffy ~" You pull him down, kissing him.

Luffy quickly stops himself from falling on you. He hugs you again, lifting you off the bed. Moves lay you on the pillows, he takes your arms away. Intertwines his fingers with yours.

You buck, as he thrust into you. Luffy squeezes your hands, quickly lets go. "Sorry!"

"I'm fine ~" You flip him, sit straight up. "Ahh Luffy ~" You start rolling your hips, picking up the pace.

"(Y/N) ~" Luffy sits up, holds your hips.

You go faster, each time Luffy pushes down harder. Your walls start to clamp down.

"Not yet I haven't done the thing yet."

"Then do it ~" Luffy lifts you off, causing you to moan. "Luffy quickly ~ I don't want to stop for long ~" You turn around, straddle him backwards. Your back against his chest.

Luffy sits with his legs crossed, his arm around you a couple of times. Making sure he had a tight grip on you.

You go to lower yourself onto him. He holds you just on the tip. "Luffy... What are you doing...?" With his hand that's was around you, he plays with your breast. "Luffy ~"

The other hand goes between your legs. His finger going slowly from side to side on your clit.

"Luffy stop teasing me..."

You hear him chuckles, as he thrusts up into you. Going side to side quick, squeezing your breast harder.

"LUFFY ~" You manage to keep up with him. Each time you lost yourself in the amount of pleasure he was giving you.

Your walls got tighter and tighter. You lay your head back on his shoulder. Knitting your fingers in his hair. Turning him to face you, you kiss him passionately and forcibly pushing your way past his lips. Luffy wasn't putting up a fight, he was focusing on pleasuring you.

You nip his lip, his eyes snap to your eyes. They sparkle like the ocean, he's lost in your eyes again. You claim what was yours again for the second time that night.

Luffy realises he was starting to slow down. He picks up the pace going faster, squeezing hard. Doing circles around your clit. You tighten up around him, feeling the wave was about to crash into you. He thrusts into you while he pushes you down.

He hits your spot, "AHH LUFFY ~"

You tighten up around him. So tight he couldn't move. "(Y/N)!" A wave washes over him. As his warmth fills you up inside.

As Luffy pushes you down further, you roll your hips. Getting every last bit of him. As you both ride the wave out, Luffy unwraps his arm from around you. Lays back, holding you close. Also stretching himself to stay inside you. 😏

You close your eyes enjoying the afterglow. Luffy kisses your ear, "Luffy ~ Hehe, that tickles ~"

He stops hugs you, "I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Luffy ~"

After a little while, Luffy's hands start to wander.

"Did you want to keep going?"

"Huh? No, I just want to feel you." He closes his eyes, touching your body.

You start to drift off to sleep. Luffy notices, grabs the pillows, bringing them down. He holds you close, as he lifts you up gets under the blankets. Make sure you were warm enough.

"I love you, my Queen."

"I lobe you, my King~"

You fall back to sleep, Luffy starts to drift off. He still held you close, he wasn't going to let go of you any time soon.

- Sorry if the thing wasn't good enough. Finding a thing was hard. I hope you like it. If not I'm sorry 😭 I need sleep. I can hardly see, I'm going cross-eyed. Headbutting my phone. Goodnight People's ~ 😜

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now