Luffy's Nightmare ♠️ 🧜‍♀️

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Now been a month since you said goodbye to your family. The others ask why the sisters called you Lauralei. You said it was your siren name, you never use it. Some clans, only accept siren names. Robin asks what language you four-spoke. You answer, some clans chose to speak a different language. Robin accept the answer, people had different languages as well. So why couldn't sirens? You told any lie you could, to keep the truth from coming to the surface.

After the questions, everything returns to normal. You were back sleeping with Luffy. You notice Luffy wasn't himself for the past couple of days.

"Luffy are you okay?" He didn't answer, "Luffy?" You gently touched his arm.

He snaps out of it. "Hey (Y/N), hehe." He sees you're worried. "What's wrong?"

"I ask if you were okay. But you didn't answer."

"I'm good," he smiles at you. You feel that the smile was a little off.

"Okay... Did you want to sit with Sunny?"

"Yep," he picks you up runs to the front of the ship.

He jumps over, sits on Sunny's head. Puts you in his lap, wraps his arms around you. He wasn't letting you go, anytime soon. You laid back into him, started singing his favourite song. You could feel him relax, giving in to your voice. For the rest of the day, yous sat there. Luffy would listen to you sing. Enjoyed losing himself, it distracted him from other thoughts.

- Time Skip To Bed -

You hop into bed waiting for Luffy to come back. He said he wanted to get some meat. You waited for about an hour, he still hadn't cane back. You jump out of bed, walk over to the door. As you open it, you see Luffy sitting against the wall.

You walk over kneel, "Luffy are you awake?" You spoke softly to him

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You walk over kneel, "Luffy are you awake?" You spoke softly to him.

"Yeah, I'm just tired..." He hides his face with his hat, takes your hand.

You hop back into bed, he turns the lights out. Joins you, pulls you into his chest. "Please don't leave me (Y/N)."

You look up, kiss him. "I won't Luffy, I promise." You get comfortable in his arms, starts humming. Try to help Luffy relax, not long his arms feel heavy. You go to sleep.

- Nightmare... -

Luffy was on his knees, holding on to Ace as he dies in his arms. "The way I lived... I have no regrets about it... I only have one regret though... That I couldn't see you fulfil your dream..."

"That's not true!! Don't lie to me! You promised me... You said you'd never die... Didn't you?"

Ace's head falls onto his shoulder, tears began to run down his cheeks.

"Ace? Ace?! ACE?!?"

It replayed over and over again, like a broken record.

He could feel Ace's blood on his hand. As he looks down, it was his hand this Ace's chest.

"No! NO!" He pulls his hand out, grabs on to Ace.

The body changes... As he takes a second look, you're laying in his arms. Dying... "(Y/N) not you too!"

"Why Luffy? Why did you kill me?" Blood tears stained your cheeks.

"I... I didn't... I wouldn't..."

Your eyes go lifeless, Luffy holds your body close. Cries out, as the war around him rages on.

- Exiting Nightmare... -

You woke to no blankets on, you felt around looking for. You realise the blankets were completely off you. The bed starts moving violently, as you sat up you saw Luffy having a nightmare.

"No... Not again... Ace... (Y/N)..." Tears ran down his face, as he tossed and turned.

You reach out to him, "Luffy wake up! You're having a bad dream! Wake up!"

He starts thrashing more. "LUFFY!" You hold his arms tight, try to hold him.

Which ended up with you being toss back into your spot. He started to get violent with his trashing.

You reach out to his cheek, gently stroke him. "Luffy ~ You have to wake up ~ No more sleeping ~ Wake up ~"

He closes his eyes tighter like he was trying to open them. But they refuse too.

You didn't know what to, you decided to sing.

"It's like a storm
That cuts a path
It's breaks your will
It feels like that
You think you're lostBut you're not lost on your ownYou're not alone"

He struggles to wake up, the nightmare tries to hold him back.

"I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
If you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go"

He starts to wake up, you look down at him. Gently take his cheek in your hand.

"It hurts my heart
To see you cry
I know it's dark
This part of life"

You lay down, Luffy lays his head on your chest holding you tight. You hold his arm, while you pat his head. "I'm here Luffy, I won't leave you."

He held on tight, as he cried into you. Through his cries, he fell asleep. You tried to stay awake, to make sure you could wake him up in case he had another nightmare. Sleep took ahold of you.

It wasn't till mid-morning till you both woke up. Luffy was the first to sit up, "(Y/N)... Do you want to have watermelon tonight?"

You sat up, took his hand. "Yes, I'll love too."

Luffy looks to you and smiles. He leans over kisses you, rest his forehead on yours. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Anything for you Luffy."


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[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now