Little Brother 🧜‍♂️

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"Come on Luffy! I wanna go explore the island." I was ready to dive off the ship.

"(Y/N) I can't swim..."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"Geez everyone knows Devil Fruit Users can't swim." Nami

"Oh, so Devil Fruit Users are the Betrayers?"

"I didn't betray anyone." Luffy stares at me.

"No, I remember something. Siren saying when humans drink something they betray the sea."

Robin giggles, "that's liquor. You don't drink and go swimming. You'll possibly drown."

"Oh okay, I got it. She also said it was a good time to pull them under. I didn't pay much attention. Also, I was looking after Little Brother."

"When you eat a Devil Fruit, you lose your ability to swim," Robin explained.

"Wait so if you fall in you can't move at all?" Robin nodded. What if Luffy falls in?! I can't let the sea take him away from me.

"Don't worry Robin-chann I'll save if you fall into the sea ~" Sanji dances over.

"Thank you, Sanji," Sanji spins around.

I'm being pulled away, see Luffy kinda sad. "What's wrong Luffy?" I hold his cheeks.

"(Y/N) I want you to know I'll never betray you." He wraps his arms around.

"I know that," this feels weird. Put my arms around his neck. "That's better, but why did you say that for?"

"I don't want you to think I would betray you."

"I know you wouldn't. I didn't know Devil Fruit Users couldn't swim. If you fall into the sea, I'll save you."

As I go to kiss Luffy's nose, the ship rocks. I fall kiss his lips, Luffy's eyes widen.

'I was going for your nose! But the waves!'

I pulled away, covered my face. "Sorry..." My face feels hot!

"My lips feel funny... I like it!"

I uncover my face, turn around. "You d-"

I'm cut off Luffy kissing me, he holds me. I kiss back, wrap my arms back around his neck. This is really nice, I like it.

I hear whistles and everyone shouting. We break the kiss, Luffy just smiles.

'Tonight before we go to bed... Can we kiss?'

I was too shy to ask out loud.

"Yes, shishishi." I smile up at him.

We sat on the railing, waited till we got closer to land. Luffy picked me up, jump off. We ran into town exploring. I really like Luffy! He's my most favourite human!

- Timeskip Afternoon -

We make our way back to Sunny. So we could drop off my new clothes. Robin found us in town. Said it would be best for me to get some clothes. So I wasn't wearing the same clothes every day. Robin my next favourite human! She's like a human big sister! I never had a siren sister.

Sunny comes into sight, see another ship next to him. "Luffy do you know who owns that ship?"

"Nope, never seen it. Do you really need all these clothes?" Holds up the bags.

"Oh, Luffy. It's not that many." Robin carries a couple of books. Sanji behind her carrying bags.

"The ladies had a good time. My beautiful Nami-chwan missed out."

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now