Fight! 👊

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Luffy knocks out the captain, walks back to you and the others.

"(Y/N) you stay here, with Nami, Robin, Chopper and Brook. Zoro, Sanji and Usopp coming with me."

"Luffy, I can help!"

"No, you can stay here. I don't want you to get hurt."

"But Luffy I -" Robin comes over, lightly touches your arm. "Okay, be careful."

"I will if anything happens go back to the sea train." You didn't answer, "(Y/N) go back with the others. I'll be okay," you slowly nodded. He kisses your forehead, walks off to Zoro, Sanji and Usopp. "Let's go."

The four of them walked off. "He'll be okay (Y/N) you'll see." You didn't reply, just nod.

The four of them walk in silence to the other side of the island. They reach the dunes, off in the distance they see Z and his men.

Luffy starts running, jumps into the air aims for Z. "Gum Gum... Rifle!!"

His fist makes contact with Z's metal arm. "Wow look at that. The punk-ass pirates are back." Grins at Luffy, as he lands near the other.

"Yeah, whatcha going to do? Ha give us your worst piece if crap." Sanji splits back with sas.

"Hey old man. You turn my friends back to normal." Luffy demands.

"Ain, Binz."

"Yes Sir," Ain runs off ready to fight.

"Already," Binz does the same.

"I'll take care of the girl with two swords." Zoro goes after her.

"Damnit moss head I was going to say that." Sanji jealous, he got the weird ninja.

"Oooh okay. I don't need to fight that's fine. Good luck out there you guys." Usopp stands back for support.

Ain runs off into the trees

"Mosa Mosa Mosa Mosa" Binz jumps around Sanji dancing. "Mosa-Mosa-mosa!" Sanji tries to attack him.

Ain tries to attack Zoro, each time he blocks and attack back.

"Show some backbone if a pirate wants something he doesn't ask he takes it. Doesn't he? If you want your friends back to normal let's see you beat it out of us."

"Damnit! I think I will fight." Usopp takes aim at Z.

"No, Usopp." Luffy stops him.


"If I'm going to win, I'm doing it one on one." He runs down to Z.

"Luffy!" Usopp calls out to him.

LHahahaha, ready to fight!" Z eager to fight and put an end to Luffy.

"Come on you mean old jerk, let's go!"

Explosivtion start, the others start running to the train. You stand there waiting for Luffy, Robin turns see you standing there.

"(Y/N) we have get to get the sea train!"

"I'll be fine, I can swim back to the Sunny if I need too. Yous go," you stand there looking for Luffy.

"Luffy said he'll be okay. And to go to sea train if something happens. You agree, come on!"

You look back to Robin, back to where Luffy and the others walk off. "Okay..." You run over to them make your way to sea train.

Luffy throws punch after punch. Each time Z blocks it with his smasher. As Luffy goes to punch his fist collides with Z's metal one.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now