Banana Boaty ~ 🍌

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- I know I said Sunday or Monday. I'm sorry 😔 I got carried away writing other stories. On the bright side, I'm ahead on a few stories now -

"WATER!?!" Finally water!?"

"Hey. Do you really wanna cross this lake, Luffy?" Usopp

"I DO!?" - "Yeah!"

"But how do we cross it? Some parts are burning but there are ice flows as well."

"The temperature could be just right. We're all sweaty so let's swim!"

"That's a great idea Zoro ~"

"No way!"

"Robin and I can't swim so..." Luffy

"Are you implying I should carry you?! Why should I do it? Stop looking at me like that!"

"I'll take Luffy ~ We swam before ~"

"(Y/N) can take Luffy. I'm sure Zoro wouldn't wanna... He's already stretching for it!"

"Zoro can take Robin. You can just swim over."

"Having said that, if we don't cross it, we have to go all the way around. I have no choice. All right! Okay, let's do it!"

I walk over to Luffy, "what is he doing?"

"Don't know."

"Special Attack - Green Star! Fan Grass!"

Luffy and I walk over to the land fan grass. "What's this plant?"

"I've never a plant like this in the sea."

"Boaty Banana!"

"Boaty Banana?"

Luffy lets go of my hand and jumps in the boaty banana... "Oh, it's a boat! That's awesome, Usopp!"

I wanted to swim...

"And we can use this Fan Grass as an oar!" Usopp snaps one.

"You have many kinds of seeds! That's wonderful!" Robin

"There were a whole bunch of weird plants on the Bowin Islands. The deeper I went into the dangerous areas, the more handy plants I found. I survived on that islands for two years! There is no difficulty that I can't overcome..."

"(Y/N) come on! Let's go on the boaty banana!" I walk over to the stupid boaty banana. "Get on board already, Usopp!"

"Or we'll leave you," Zoro

"Hey, I'm the one who supplied the boat!"

Luffy grabs a land fan grass, "all right! Let's go!" He sits on the front of it, "to the land of snow cones!"

"Why aren't you rowing, too?!"

I sit next to Robin, I don't want to row... I want to swim!

"It's so windy!"

"There's a headwind!" Usopp

"No, wonder. There is a big difference in temperature on this island. It makes for strong winds," Robin

"The water is boiling around here," Zoro

"If we were swimming, it would've been horrible! Even for (Y/N), right (Y/N)?" Usopp

"It would be hot, there are sirens that live around hot water."

"Really?" Robin

"Yep." I would have been quick enough to swim through it.

"It's so slow!" Luffy

"Why don't you row then?!" Usopp yells at Luffy. "Oh no!"

The boaty banana rocks. Luffy lands in front of us.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now