38: Theoretical Love

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Your POV

"I love myself too, Jungkook!" I said, smiling widely. Jungkook looked shocked for a second but then his face lit up. "I can't believe we have this much things in common! That's so cool! You should definitely date me then!" Jungkook said, excitedly. "Okay? But shouldn't I be loving you back if we are dating though? I mean that's how this things work, right?" I said, being confused of his weird theory.

"No, not at all! A great human says, 'Date The One Who Loves You, Not The One Whom You Love'. So, since I love you and even you love yourself, that's more than enough for us to start dating already!!" Jungkook said, making me think how low his IQ must be. Poor him and even Me, since I'll have to bear the theories that his thick brain will come up with from now on.

"Then should I start dating myself or what!? By the way, who's that 'Great Human' of yours though?" I said, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms over my chest. He smirked and said - "He is right in front of you, sweetie." What did he just call me? I didn't even say 'yes' yet! Umm.. nevermind...it's not like I don't like it anyway, I thought smiling to myself.

"Yah! Why are you smiling like that? It's creepy. Quit it and greet my Great Human!" Jungkook said, smiling proudly. "Oh right! Who can that be? Is it him?! The waiter right there?!" I said pointing towards a waiter who was passing by. "What?! No! I meant myself idiot! It's me! Can't you see me?!" Jungkook said being all frustrated. "Idiot? That would be YOU, thinking yourself as a great human being." I said, suppressing my laughter.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook said, cutely tilting his head to one side and looking at me with innocent, curious eyes. Awwee, I feel bad I'll have to insult him now. "What I mean to say is, Cockroach must be a bird if you're a great human." I said and burst out laughing. "What? No, It's not! It's an insect!" Jungkook said, protesting as if he was the one to discover the name cockroach. "Exactly! Just like they can not be birds, You can not be a great human either. Cute, lil bunny." I said, laughing so hard that tears started forming in my eyes.

"WHAT DID YOU SA-....What did you say?...." Jungkook started yelling but even before finishing his sentence, his voice softened and he started blushing intensely. "What did you say? Cute, lil bunny?" His cheecks turned into crimson as he looked down shyly.

Am I visible to Jungkook anymore? Cause I'm pretty sure his cuteness melted me into a puddle. He is so ADORABLE!!!!

"Do you like it when I call you bunny?" I asked as I looked at him, smiling. "Yes! I like it so much! But can I be Your bunny only?" Jungkook asked, looking at me with his doe eyes.

Meanwhile ~

"Taehyung! Did you see that!?" Jimin yelled and looked at Taehyung. "Just let him enter the house once and I swear I'll beat the shit out of him!" Taehyung also yelled, accompanying Jimin. Jimin was about to say something but the waiter interrupted.

"Excuse me Sir, would you mind going out? Acctually it's not allowed to peek inside like this. I'm sorry." The waiter said and closed the restaurant's door on their faces. But that didn't bother them even a tiny bit as they are still mad at how Jungkook would always throw a tantrum if they called him bunny but blushed intensely hearing Y/N calling him bunny. Now that's unfair, isn't it?

A/N : I Won't even be surprised if no one reads it bcz I know It's been a LOnG time since I last updated. I'm really soo sorry. Because the reason I didn't update is, I am lazy af. I hope I Won't do that again XD. Hope you have a good day.

Take it as my apology -

No! I am innocent l swear!!!!!!

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No! I am innocent l swear!!!!!!

Okie BYE~

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