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Your POV
I am sitting in the History class, still worried about Jungkook's weird behaviour. Well, he helping me is obviously something weird, the weirdest to be specific.

After a while, the bell rang, signaling it's time for lunch. I was about to stand up and go when the professor called me.
"Y/N, can you take these files to my office?" The Professor asked. Apparently, being the topper isn't profitable all the time, you know.
"Yes, sure." I replied. I took the mountain, I mean the files in my hands and headed towards his office.

"Hey! Aren't those too much for you? Let me help you!" Said Jungkook. So, he still didn't give up on helping me? I wonder what he wants from me.

"No, it's fine. I can h-handle it." I said stuttering a bit, as I was having a hard time preventing all the files from falling down.
"But you don't seem fine. So, as l have eyes and l can see, I am going to help you. Why are you so afraid of me helping you? Come on, l don't bite." He said with a smile.

"Exactly, you don't bite but you annoy the shit out of me. Start biting like the dog you are instead, it will disturb me less. And, STOP FOLLOWING ME! I DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP!!" I said.

"Ex Freaking Cuse Me?! Who do you think you are that l will follow you?! Meeting you here is just a pure COINCIDENCE!! So, stop this drama, will you?" Jungkook said, yelling a bit. "Listen here, Jung Freaking Kook, I am saying it again, I DO N-O-T NEED YOUR HELP! So, get the hell out of my sight, that's the most you can do to help me. Got it?" I said shouting louder and stomping out of there. Well, atleast l tried to. Because, after 0.03 seconds, people found me on the floor, with all the files around me. Awkward.....

"See, that's what happens to those who over reacts!" Jungkook said, running towards me and helding out his hand for me to take it. But me being me, I still hesitated. "Ugh! Atleast Take my hand now, you stupid nerd." He said. I hesitantly took his hand and stood up. Then we picked up all the files and Jungkook carried them. We went to the professor's office and it was hella awkward for me that I didn't even try to open my mouth. I admit that the 'W' incident actually taught me how to keep my mouth shut sometimes.

Jungkook was placing all the files in the table when he suddenly said-
"Do you not think you should say 'Thank you' or something like that to me?" "Why? Because of you forcing me to take your help? But still....Thanks, Jungkook." I said smiling. "It's Fevicol for you, baby." He said, winking.

"What the hell, WHY?! And for the last time, Jung..well, Fevicol, STOP WITH YOUR BABY SHIT!!" l said.

"It's Fevicol, because I will stick with you like fevicol from now on, so that I can help you. And about the baby thing, wait till you beg for me to call you baby." He said with a devilish smirk and left me there, frozen.

Jungkook's POV
When l said, meeting her was a coincidence, l didn't lie. How dare she thinks that l Will ever follow her?!

But looks like, I will have to from now on.....

I was with Jisoo, walking towards the cafeteria when l spotted a girl with a mountain of files who apparently happened to be 'Y/N'. I went to her but she not only refused to take my help but also started arguing with me. But l had to win my dare. So, I decided to stay calm and help her which I did.

But the thing is why I told her that she will beg for me to call her baby? And why do l even call her baby in the first place? It's like a automatic thing, cause l never called her baby on purpose. It just always slips out of my mouth. Now that l think about it, I never addressed Jisoo as baby.

Nevermind, it's not like l mean it, right? Whatever.....

Nevermind, it's not like l mean it, right? Whatever

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