21:Mission fully unaccomplished

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Your POV
I might be a little late but I finally realised that the people who called me a stupid throughout my whole life aren't wrong. Because who else decides to help their teddy-bear instead of a literal person, I mean if you count him as one.

Jungkook tried to get up but failed, maybe he fell too hard. I quickly rushed towards him and held my hands out for him to take it. I might not have common sense but I have humanity. Truly, looking at him form this position, feels weird. Because it have always been him who held his hand out for me, not the other way around.

But as soon as his hands touched mine, I felt 440 volt current running throgh my entire body and I immediately took my hands out of his grip, resulting him to fall again on the floor miserably. But it couldn’t take my attention even one bit as I was too engaged with my over flowing feelings.

"What the freaking hell 'Y/N'?!" Jungkook yelled, making me come back to reality. "Huh? I-I am so sorry J-jungkook. Can you please get up by yourself?" I said not wanting to feel the same rolar-coaster of emotins again. "What makes you think I'll trust you again? No freaking way! I'd rather get up by myself than taking help from a witch like you!!" Jungkook said still struggling to get up.

So, he thinks I did that on purpose? Good for him to think that. Because I don't expect myself to say that 'Jungkook, you made me feel weird stuff. So, I removed my hand.' But the thing is, why would he call me a witch!?

I backed away from him a little, not wanting to get beaten up by him and started saying whatever came to my mind-

'Jungkook called me witch,
So, he is a bitch.
All he does is eating,
He is the person I regret meeting.'

With that, I ran downstairs as quickly as I could. "You little devil!" I heard Jungkook saying this while chuckling and he ran as well to catch me. I was giggling along with him while we were running down the stairs.

I successfully came downstairs and was going towards my couch until a pair of arms decided to get secured around my waist and turn me around. We were so engaged into our fun moments that none of us noticed what our position acctually was. Him and his cute face being inches away from my fish looking one. Just when I realized our position and the thought that we can literally kiss any moment came to my mind, that over flowing emotion from earlier came back.

My heart beat became 1000x times faster than normal. I felt all my blood rushing towards my cheecks as I blushed hard. I quickly pushed him away and he realised it too. He smiled awkwardly at me while scratching the back of his neck.
"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn’t mean too." Jungkook said as he looked away with a slightly pink tint on his cheecks."I-its ok, Jungkook." I said. "Umm...I think we should go back to our cleaning session, s-shouldn’t we?" Jungkook said, trying to avoid the awkwardness as well as eye contact with me. "Y-yeah, sure!" I said.

We cleaned my whole house with the help of Jungkook. Or let's be honest, he acctually did the most things. Me? I was ordering him the whole time while watching T.V. He was just rolling his eyes at me but always ended up obeying me. One time when I was switching between the channels, Kung-fu Panda came up and he was staring at the T.V with awe the whole 2 minutes before I switched it again. Such a baby!

"Okay Jungkook, you are done for now. Lunch is ready, come and eat." I said and he literally rushed towards my dining table, dropping the bucket full of water on his way. I smacked my own forehead and got ready to hit him as well when he comes near. I giggled as I thought how obsessed this kid is with food.

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