25: Mere Crush

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Your POV
The classes have ended but the rain has just bagun to fall. What do I do now? I wasn't born as a weather reporter to know that the once shinny sky can turn into this cloudy, dark sky! And to my misfortune, It's tuesday as if the day couldn't get any worse. So, Jimin was in class and the other boys also went to their house earlier, as they were all busy with something today. I walked towards the gate, smiling as I suddenly remembered the hopping bunny kid. He's just so cute. But since when do I think and feel this way towards Jungkook? But that doesn’t change the fact that he is so cute.

I came towards the gate and stood there waiting for the heavy rain to stop. After a few minutes, I felt a presence beside me and turned to the side to see that person standing, holding an umbrella as if he is waiting for someone.

"Why aren't you going, Jungkook? Are you waiting for someone?" I asked. If you just want to stand and wait here even when you have an umbrella, just give it to me and let me go. "Oh! You're here too?! I'm acctually waiting for Jisoo." Jungkook said. What does he mean? Am I that small to not even get noticed?!

"Ohh... nice to know." Nice my ass! Why am I feeling like punching someone in the nose right now?! Is it Jealousy? No, no, It's anger, right? Or at least that's what I'll tell myself....

"What are you waiting for, 'YN'?" Jungkook asked. "Acctually, it's drizzling outside but I'm waiting for it to rain heavily! So that I can go and get drenched like a newly washed T-shirt. CAN'T YOU FREAKING SEE IT'S RAINING SO HEAVILY AND I DON'T HAVE AN UMBRELLA?!" I exclaimed, taking my anger out.

"Chill 'Y/N'. Why are you being so angry?" Jungkook asked, smiling awkwardly.
This is getting out of hand. My heart fooled my brain a MILLION times saying what I feel towards him is just a mere crush but when that 'mere crush' of yours decides to ignore your presence saying 'he is waiting for his good for nothing girlfriend' doesn't help the situation AT ALL! So, now got it why do I feel angry?

"Nothing!" I replied, as I couldn't spill out my internal feelings to him. "Whom are you talking to, Oppa? Ohh, It's you again? That monkey looking girl? Listen here, Stay away from my Jungkook oppa! He doesn't like you !" Jisoo said, making my blood boil in anger all over again.

"Listen here, you fox looking bitch, I Don't have ANY interest in your fatty, squishy, mochi - oh no! that's Jimin, potato looking jerky baby boy! Keep him to yourself, Won't ever come to an use!" Lies. I lied about having no interest in him which I have with my entire existence and also about him being a fatty, squishy, jerky potato. He is an ethereal beauty but the world doesn't need to know that. Not from me at least.

"Can you guys just not fight over me?! Jisoo, It's not okay to just go anywhere and get into a fight! You are at fault, apologise." Jungkook said, making both me and Jisoo surprised.

"Never! You be here clinging with her and apologies! I'm going!" with that, Jisoo stomped away. I am kinda scared right now, thinking maybe Jungkook will accuse me for this. Be ready for the attack, 'Y/N'. 

"I'm sorry, 'Y/N'. She's kinda short tempered. Forget about her and let's get you home now, it's getting late." Jungkook said, making my heart vaporized.
D-did he just....OH MY GOD! Get a hold of yourself, 'Y/N'! What are you doing? "Y-you sure? Won't you go after Jisoo?" I asked. "No, not now. I'm kinda tired to deal with her right now. Let's go, shall we?" said Jungkook.

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