30: Coincidental Love

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Your POV
"Because it was me and Namjoon who put those over there...." I replied.

"W-what? WHY?! Are you crazy?!" Jungkook said being surprised as if he has fallen from the sky. "As I said, it was for that Jisoo bitch and not for you! I just wanted to teach her a lesson!" I said, blood still boiling with anger as I remembered her. "For breaking my heart? Aww, you are so cute! You could have just said that you like me, you know." Jungkook said, pinching my cheecks.

"Me? Like YOU? Eww! I'd rather die single Jungkook!" I said. Of course, because if I don't get you bunny kid, I don't see my future with anyone else. "Oh yeah? Then why do you think you're blushing? Hmm?" Jungkook said, making my face go all red. "No I'm not! Stop teasing me!" I hit his chest lightly and Jungkook started chuckling.

"But seriously, I'd have broken up with her long ago if I ever knew that I'll get a frined like you instead of her fake love." Jungkook said. "What? Jungkook, why would you need to break up with her to be friends with me?!" I said, a little surprised. "I would need to, if I make you my one particular friend and not a regular one." Jungkook said, with amusement in his eyes. "What particular friend?" I asked. "My girlfriend." Jungkook said, making me frozen in my place. I know he is joking but still I can't stop these butterflies from going wild in my stomach.

"Hey! I-I was joking, 'Y/N'! Don't get angry at me please." Jungkook said, noticing my frozen state. "I know you're joking and that's what hurts." I said, in a whisper. "What did you say? You're not angry at me, right?" Jungkook said. "No, I'm not. Let's go to class now, Jungkook. It's getting late." I said and started walking towards my class, still feeling a bit hurt.

I know I'm not supposed to think this way but does he perhaps
l-like me? Or was it just a joke?
All these time, when Jungkook helped me, were those all coincidences as he claims those to be? Or did he do that on purpose?

I don't know but all I know is those coincidences made me feel things towards him I never felt before. By the passage of time, I've come to adore every single part of his existence. His stupidly cute face, those doe bambi eyes, his freaking bunny smile, that idiotically perfect jawline and.... EVERYTHING!

Staring at him is a daily task of mine now. Thank God that his stupid self never noticed because I'd not like to show him how he gives me a hard time without even looking at me. He is my first love indeed. Because staring at a guy and then being in serious need of oxygen was never in my to-do list. My innocent potato self was long gone due to him.

Acctually marrying him would be a whole package of disadvantage for me. If he ever wants something which is wrong and I say no to that, he will just look at me with that pair of bambi doe eyes along with that cute little pout of his and BOOM! 'Y/N' would just melt away like an ice cube and there's a high possibility of her getting vaporized as well.

But then again, when the reality hits me, I realize that there is nothing more useless than dreaming about him. It's like digging your own grave as I know he doesn't like me even a bit. I know how impossible is this but there I go again, staring at him, like the idiot that I am, hoping all of this to be true, hoping 'us' to be true.

I know I'll end up getting hurt when he's gonna start another relationship but I can't stop me. I know he will break my heart until it will look like face powder but still I can't stop me. I-I love him. I fell for him.

Jungkook's POV
I was sitting on the couch staring at the window but the thought of 'Y/N' suddenly came to my mind and automatically my lips curved upwards forming a smile. Yes, that's how much affect she has on me. But I ignored it all, I ingnored every single thoughts I had and still have about her.

All this time, I claimed all those incidents to be coincidences in order to make myself believe that I'm not falling for her. Whenever my eyes searched for her, I told myself it doesn't mean anything. Whenever I wanted to be with her, I told myself that I just enjoy her company and that's it. But is it just that? Is it just because she's fun to be with and nothing else? Maybe these are not coincidences and we are destined to be together? Could it be?

Because I didn't feel this towards Jisoo, she was just a mere attraction now I think. But 'Y/N', what is she to me? I don't think I can afford living without listening to her cute voice, without those little teases of hers, without getting to see her cute face and without her as a whole.

The feelings I have towards her isn't what we feel towards our friends, It's something more than that. It's special. She is special.

"Did I fall for you?..." It was this one sentence which verbalized all my messy thoughts about her. "Who fell for who?" A voice said, making me startled and realize that I said that aloud.
"YOU, will fall in the FLOOR due to the punches which are coming your way." I said, as I looked at him. "What?! Why will you punch me?!" Namjoon hyung said, a bit terrified. "Who told you to listen to 'Y/N' and put those banana piles over there?!" I asked.

"S-she blackmailed me saying she will tell Jimin that I broke his favourite show piece! I was left with no option." Namjoon hyung said making me smirk. "You mean the one that Jin hyung gifted him?" I asked and he nodded.
"Ok then, since I love you, I'll call Jin hyung and not Jimin hyung to kill you. Cause Jimin hyung might come with a dynamite and make you fly to another planet. So, yeah, Jin hyung it is. Hyung! JIN HYUNG!" I screamed my lungs out and Jin hyung came running to me, thinking something bad happened.

"What?! What happened Jungkook?! Oh my God! I thought you died!" Hyung said, panting heavily.

Time to show the world how much good of an actor you are JK! "Hyung! You see my bruised elbow? This happened because of Namjoon hyung and he also broke the show piece you bought for Jimine Hyung!" I said, showing my teary eyes with a pout and acting as if my elbow wasn't bruised but my hand just fell off.

Jin hyung fumed with anger and stomped his feet towards Namjoon hyung. I know what will happen now. My work is done! I'm outta here now.

 My work is done! I'm outta here now

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