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Your POV
"We're not dating...... Not Yet" That sentence of Jungkook caused shivers to run down my spine.I couldn’t believe my ears nor could I move a single muscle of my body. I just froze on my spot and you can say that I practically fainted internally. Everyone saw me standing there but acctually I was dead inside. And that's why plus when I did the thing I currently consider as the biggest mistake of my life.

"Woah! What does that 'not yet' suppose to mean? Does that mean you guys are gonna date in fu- Where are you going 'Y/N'?!" Namjoon said as he saw the actions my stupid body made. "I...I gotta go, Namjoon. S-see you around." I said as I practically ran towards the front door and went away, not even sparing one glance at Jungkook. Not seeing how hurt he was, not seeing how the sadness reflected on his eyes. 

I just wasn’t prepared. Neither for him rejecting me nor for him accepting m.Just not yet. It'll take me at least 500 more years to mentally prepare myself.

So, yes, I ran away. I so skillfully fled away from my emotions. No matter how much my brain told me to stay, no matter how much it told me that Jungkook will confess his true feelings, my mind still decided to think emotionally than rationally. What if the things he said earlier were nothing more than the game we were playing? What if it was all lies? What if I get rejected? Or what if he acctually says he loves me? What will I say?  All these questions were all it took for me to run away.

Meanwhile Jungkook's POV
She ran away. Just when I gathered up all my courage and even borrowed some from Hobi hyung, who was constantly signalling me to say those three words, she left, leaving me heart broken. Why did she do that? All the things she has said just now, does that mean absolutely nothing to her? Was she p-perhaps just playing along?

Your POV
What did you just do 'Y/N'? You maybe just broke Jungkook's heart! Where did all the courage you had earlier go?! Why did you freaking run away?! But maybe I didn’t break his heart? Maybe he acctually isn't into me? I should maybe talk it out with him. Should I? Maybe, maybe not.

But what if I acctually broke his heart? How will I ever forgive myself? I should have never come out of that house without hearing him out! That damn door! Couldn’t the handle just get broken so that I could never open the door? Couldn’t Jin offer me lunch so that I can't go? And most importantly, couldn’t that brainless bunny stop me from going?! But no! What he decided to do was watching me going out without even saying anything! Yes, I'm regretting what I did and I have this really bad habit of blaming others for the things I've done.

God isn’t up there to show us magic that suddenly the door's handle will break. It’s alredy afternoon, why would Jin even offer lunch when we already had it together earlier? And why would he even stop me when he doesn’t even love me? Yeah, that's the conclusion for me. He doesn’t love me.... I was having this dilemma while walking home when suddenly someone held my arm and spun me around.

"What do you think you're doing?!" The person yelled as I turned around to see someone I wasn’t quite expecting.

A/N: Hey, lovely readers. I gave you enogh peace by not disturbing and writing Author's note. But today I acctually have to. I am so grateful to every single one who reads, votes, comments on this book. This includes even the silent readers! But I wanna give a very special thanks to my sweet, cute friend Vanessa_14k for always supporting me! This update is specially for you! I wasn’t planning on updating today since I was thinking about my second book as well but just for your sweet words that asked me to update, I had to say goodbye to my lazy ass. Thank you so much once again. 


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