19) The contract (3-10/3-12)

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Lumi/Louie POV

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Lumi/Louie POV

We arrive at dorms so called VIP room, which look more like a bank office.

''What is with this place... Are we still in school?'' Wonder Jack shocked at the room, along with Lumi. ''There is even a big vault in the back... Looks like a bank.''

''Don't just stand there by the door. Please take a seat.'' Says Azul and take a seat on his own chair behind the table. Me and Jack sit on the same couch, with me closes to Azul. ''So, what did you want to discuss with me?''

''I want you to remove the anemones on all the students you have a contract with.'' I demand right away. Azul chuckle at me for my demand. He is probably not taking me seriously.

''Ha ha ha, this is yet another...'' Chuckle Azul before calming down and get serious. ''Rather tyrannical request all of the sudden. You want me to release all 225 students I have already made contracts with.''

''225 people.'' Yelp Jack shocked at the number of contract, which I am shocked too. ''You made that many.''

''This year, were Jade and Floyd extremely thorough with their work...'' Explain Azul like it was the only thing they did. ''Thanks to that, was I able to make deals with so many clients.''

''That is still crazy.'' I mumble shocked and look at Jack real quick, before looking back at Azul to continue this conversation.

''Well, Louie, you say that you want me to free all of those students, but I am not making them do any work that goes against standard labor.'' Continue Azul and shook his head, looking sorry for me, but I know it is an act. ''They agreed to my terms before signing the contract. The contracts aren't something easily nullified because someone else thinks they are 'pathetic'. In other words... You are already too late.''

''Then I will make a deal with you.'' I say real quick and stand up from my seat. ''I heard you grant wishes if someone makes a deal with you.''

''Oi. What are you thinking?'' Yelp Jack and try pull me down to the couch, but I stay still.

''Ohh, you want to make a deal? That is an interesting idea.'' Ask Azul to me, ignoring Jack completely.

''Aha. Koebi-chan, you got guts.'' Chuckle Floyd as he and Jade walk into the room with drinks ready for us.

''I understand that you want to make a deal with me, but... however, there is a problem. You do not possess any magic.''Point out Azul and fold his hands, looking more like a businessman. ''Nor for you have a beautiful voice and you are not the sole heir of any country. You are but a simple human.''

''Excuse me.'' I mumble to myself. I really want to denied him for that, cause I have a great singing voice, but because I have an identity to cover, can't I denied him.

''If you wish to make large demands, then you will have to come up with a suitable collateral.'' Inform Azul and snap his finger, magical bring out a contract already ready to be signing in a few spots.

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