42) Fairest of all (5-29/5-33)

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Lumi POV

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Lumi POV

''How long do you all plan to loiter in the lounge?'' We all stop our fun and towards the hallway, that goes towards the rooms, and see Vil standing there. He then noticed the boxes by the wall. ''And what is with these mountain of boxes?''

''Epel-kun's family sent him all this apple juice. We all decided to try it.'' Inform Rook and walk over toward Vil.

''Th-There is no sugar in it. Or preservatives.'' Inform Epel quickly, then pick up a bottle to show Vil. ''Also... it won't be good for much longer, so... I would like you to try some as well.''

''Hmm, is that so?'' Hummed Vil and take the bottle, looking at it. ''If I feel like it, I will give the it a try.'' Epel covered his sighed and sit down on the couch. ''More importantly, it is almost 10pm. Time for bed.''

''You want us in bed by 10? Are we in elementary school?'' Ask Ace shocked for the sudden order.

''If you think going to bed early is for children, then that shows just how childish you still are.'' Point out Vil without a care and walk past Ace, who just scowl at the dorm leader. ''It is recommended that you get at least seven hours of sleep every night, to keep your skin and hair healthy. Which reminds me, there is something I want to ask everyone... What kind of routine do you use for your hair and skin care? Especially you, Lumi.''

''Huh? What do you mean by... care?'' Ask Deuce confused of what Vil means.

''He means how you take care of your skin and hair before you go to bed.'' I explain to Deuce and then look at Vil. ''Crewel-sensei taught me the basic, but since I really hate it to do it hours before I go to bed, have Crewel-sensei taught me morning routines. Which is basically, damping my face with warm water, cleanse my skin with soap, rinse it off with cold water and then put on moist cream, and then make-up if I want to. And about my hair, do I wash it at night before bed and I double conditioner.''

''Sounds too basic.'' Commend Vil, not really believe me.

''Crewel-sensei always says I have a natural beauty, so... yeah...'' I cheaply say back and chuckle a little. ''Also, I don't care how I look like. I love me for being me, both inside and out.''

''Aww, how sweet Lumi.'' Says Kalim and give me a side hug, which I return back.

''Well...'' Hummed Jamil next and look at Vil, while fiddling with one of his braids. ''My hair gets pretty badly tangled, when I wash it, so I use some hair oil. I don't do anything really for my skin.''

''I used to get a bunch of stuff done, when I lived at home, but I haven't done any of that since I started living in the dorm.'' Says Kalim honest, letting go of me. Vil look at them shocked and a bit discussed.

''Do you seriously not do anything for your skin after washing all the oil off? Even Lumi know the basic of taking care of her beauty.'' Scold Vil and then sighed big time, then use his magic to bring forth a big pile of beauty product. ''I am going to give everyone my handmade line of skin care goods now. Use them after you wash your face every morning and evening to take care of your skin.''

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