47) Festival preparation (5-51/5-54)

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Lumi POV

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Lumi POV

I jog down the hallway and managed to reach Riddle and Trey, who apparently was waiting for me just outside the Coliseum.

''Thought for a second you weren't coming anyway.'' Joke Trey and start walking down the path along with everyone else.

''Just wanna probably say bye to my friends.'' I defended with a small laugh and walk in between him and Riddle. Riddle look down at his clipboard, to see where to go next.

''At the exhibition booths, the various culture clubs are given priority to give presentations on things they have made and sell goods.'' Explain Riddle and starts to lead the way. ''There will also be booths, where the fourth years will also present the results of their research and investigations. You should go check them out, if you are interested.''

''I am interested to everything.'' I pointed out with a big smile. ''I have never been to such festival as this.''

''Yeah, Crewel-sensei was saying something about the fourth years are coming back, y'know.'' Remember Grim and walk on all fours. ''We never seen any fourth year on campus, where are they?''

''Most four-year magical training schools have their fourth years join off campus internships or programs.'' Explain Trey to Grim, while I fix my backpack to be on my back instead of stormarch. ''I will be sent off somewhere next year too, and then I will only be back on campus every so often.''

''Hmmm...'' Hummed Grim and decide to jump up to my shoulder, to probably better look at Trey. ''So these program things, what do people usually do for them?''

''There are some people, who want to be part of government agencies special forces team.'' Explain Riddle this time, right as we enter the street with festival booths. ''Others want to investigate and research historical sites, or decipher ancient texts. There are also cases where people want to get internships with businesses having to do with magic.''

''There are so many options. Wonder what I should do when I enter my forth year.'' I say amazed and already starts thinking of possibility I could attend. Artist, animal caretaker and so more.

''But I wonder.'' Chirped up Trey and look a bit sadden at me. ''Wouldn't it be a slight challenge for you, because of your magic? I mean, it is forbidden for some reason.''

''That is... true.'' I agreed and feel some sadness come into me. ''But why would that keep me from finding something to do?''

''Since we are from a wizard school, is it ideal that the internships searching for interns, are looking for someone with magic.'' Answer Riddle, feeling sadden too. ''If I may be honest, don't I think they would want someone with forbidden magic... Sorry, Lumi.''

''No. No, no. It's fine.'' I quickly chirped and try to show them I am fine. ''I should expect such things... I... I just don't understand why Ice magic is forbidden.''

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