41) Training (5-24/5-28)

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Lumi POV

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Lumi POV

We all went directly towards Pomefiore's ballroom to practice for VDC, but of course, did we have time to change into training clothes. I didn't change, since I am not part of the group, but I was in charge of bringing some water bottles for when they take breaks.

''*Clap**Clap* Gather up after you have finished your calisthenics.'' Order Vil, getting everyone's attention after doing some warm up stretches. ''I finished putting together the song we are singing for the Vocal & Dance Championship.''

''A song put together? Does that mean this is an original song?'' Ask Jamil a little impressed of the quick making of a song. ''Even thought this is just a student musical performance, that is amazing.''

''For the past few years of VDC, writing an original song has been commonplace.'' Says Vil like it is nothing and use magic to copy the piece of paper and spread it to everyone, even me. ''The Vocal & Dance Championship... is not a mere beauty contest or fashion show. We will be evaluated on our dancing and vocal techniques. Also, did we choose a song that suits our group.''

''A suitable song? That is a pretty vague condition. What does that mean?'' Ask Deuce a little confused. Vil just crossed his arms while looking at Deuce. 

''Just like there are clothes that are suitable and unsuitable for you... If you choose a song that doesn't work with your group's vocal ability or mood, that will only work against you. For example, if a group of elementary schoolers sang a somber blues song or something heavy metal... doesn't it matter how well they sing, their vocal quality and visuals will only make the entire thing completely awkward. In order to gain favor with the audience, we have to choose the perfect song for us.'' Explain Vil calmly and kind of impressing me. I never thought of that when I sang at the Ice Dancing Competition.

''That reminds me, finalist will be chosen by audience votes in this competition.'' Remember Jamil and got a nod from Vil.

''That is right, everyone in attendance has a part to play in deciding the outcome. Every member of the audience, the staff and the contestants are each given one vote to pick, who they think the winner is.'' Explain Vil on.

''Even the contestants? Won't everyone just vote for their own team?'' Ask Kalim confused of that part. ''I think everyone is going to think their team won.''

''Amateurs would think so, but... There are times you can't vote for yourself after seeing the abilities of your opponents. You know it, the moment you see their performance. You realize that there is no way you can beat them.'' Point out Vil calmly, but I slightly see a twitch in his fingers. ''If you can deceive yourself after seeing that, then you are pitiably pathetic.''

''He is right.'' I chirped up. ''If I had the change to vote at the Dancing on Ice, would I actually vote for Rositta, because she was really good and had a great passion for ice skating.''

''Gah, Lumi.'' Gasp Ace right beside me. ''You just...''

''They figured it out... Well, Rook did and exposed me to Vil, so why hide it from Epel too when you are gonna be at Ramshackle for four weeks.'' I ensure him, being calm about it.

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