60) Idia the Underworld King (6-68/6-79)

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Lumi POV

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Lumi POV

We all go through the last door to Tartarus, only to meet the nauseating smell of the miasma and a rocky unstable cave, lighten up with ominous green light. We can even see the end of this massive tower. See the gate to the Underworld.

''Th-This is...'' Gasp Vil and cover his nose.



Tons of voices rings through the area, which makes us look around for the invisible source. I then noticed something familiar on the rocky pillars. Black rocks.

''These black stones are... the one Grim eats... Then the sounds of grieving is coming from below... From the Underworld.'' I mumble out loud and look at the boys.

''Indeed and the miasma is strong. Did the gate to the Underworld open?'' Wonder Vil and slowly look down from the path. But he only get to see a massive light coming from the bottom of the tower, which must mean the gate is open or is about to.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

''Vil, the transceiver is ringing.'' Inform Rook and fiddle in his pocket. He pull out a walkie talkie. Vil takes it and press the side bottom and speak into it.

''This is Vil on the first tower, over.'' Introduced Vil and let go of the bottom.

''This is second tower, Leona.'' Speak Leona's voice from the device.

''Third tower, Riddle Rosehearts, over.'' Call out Riddle too.

''Good, everyone is on the line.'' Says a completely new voice from the device. ''This is the control room.''

''What is going on? Over.'' Ask Vil.

''The gate of the Underworld has begun to open and the density of blot keeps rising.'' Warn the staff member worried. ''It is too dangerous to stay on the lower floors of Tartarus. You must leave now.''

''Leave? Are you telling us to run up the stairs that we took hours to get down?'' Ask Vil annoyed of the required retreat.

''It's a rush job, but we managed to separate some of the Chariot from Ortho's control. Three Chariots are heading over there now. Get on it.'' Explain the staff member, just as a light sound can be heard from above. We look up to see a similar black vehicle approaching us.

''Ha, as expected from the world top level geek group.'' Huffed Leona annoyed at the retreat request.

''Hmph, I will take that as a compliment.'' Says the staff member calmly and pause for a moment. ''In order to stop the phantoms and blots from flowing outside, all the staff are currently closing the emergency hatch on the 6th layer to 1st layer of Tartarus by hand. After you escape, the hatch will be closed completely. Please leave as fast as possible.''

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