65) Hello Mickey (7-38/7-55)

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Lumi POV

I groan a little, stretching my body to wake up my body, and slowly get up from my bed. I force myself, tired and all, to walk over to the folding wall to change from pajamas to some comforting clothes. Something I usually wear in my own home.

''Meow.'' Call out a kitty cat on my bed, stretching its body and really shows off its grey fur and the cute black and white striped bow, that is around its neck.

''Morning, Grim.'' I greet him with a small yawn myself and put up my hair in a high loose bun, getting ready to do my morning chores. Grim my cat jump down from the bed and follow right after me like a sweet little duckling, even trying to be a help to me with my chores. And my morning chores starts off by sweeping and moping the floor, with a small song to pass the time.
''🎵Seven A.M, the usual morning lineup... Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all cleaaan. Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up... Sweep again, and by then, it's like 7:15.🎵'' Being able to know the entire place inside out, makes it easier to clean it in such a speed, and even Grim helps by holding the dusting pan. Fifteen minutes of hard work is tiring, but I am used to it, so now I have the rest of the day for myself. 
''🎵And so I read a book. Or maybe two or three. I'll add a few new paintings to my gaaalleeery... I'll play guitar and knit. And cook and basically. Just wonder when will my life begin?🎵''

''Meow.'' Speak up my cat and tap my leg to point at a open space hiding behind a curtain in the hallway, which I don't remember being there, but whatever as it is a fresh wall that hasn't been touched yet by my artistic interest. I take a look at it and see some potential in it, so immediantly I go back to my room to get the supplies and start painting. 

''🎵Then after lunch, it's puzzles and darts and bakiiing. Paper mache, a bit of ballet, and chess... Pottery and ventriloquy, candle makiiing. Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb, sew a dress.🎵'' I keep on going with my silly little song as I go on with my day, shifting from one activity to another to pass the time, even going back to a previous hobby to keep me entertained... But at some point, does it slowly bother me, that I am stuck doing the same thing almost every day. It has all become so predictable. 
''🎵And I'll reread the books, if I have time to spare. I'll paint the walls some more. I'm sure there's room somewhere. And then I'll brush and brush, and brush and brush my hair. Stuck in the same place I've always been. And I'll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering. When will my life begin?🎵''

''Meow.'' Comfort Grim towards me, brushing his fur against my leg as I stare at the painting I just made. Something is quite odd with this one, as I never had anything special in my mind, just letting my hands do something. In front of me is a mural of my fathers school, Night Raven College, with a silhouette of me at the very center, surrounded by other colored silhouette. And only the color of their hair and clothes are painted, not their skin nor their eyes, making it a bit of a mystery for me... But, why did I ever painted it?

''🎵Tomorrow night, the lights will appear. Just like they do, on my birthday, each year... Whaaat is it liiike... Out there where they glow?🎵'' I slowly start to finish up the song, also coming to an end of the painting of the place I wish to be part of, adding some green misty orbs flying around like fireflies and rose thorns decorating the frames.
''🎵Now that I'm oldeeer. Father might just... Let me gooo.🎵''

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