27) Paradise to Nightmare (4-11/4-16)

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Lumi/Louie POV

I pant heavily after a full hour of non stop physically training, outside the dorm building. Luckily it is night time, so the temperature is a little colder than before and won't affect me.

''That is all for today.'' Call out Kalim, still angry for some reason. He is totally different from this afternoon. And his glowing eyes are really weird. ''Tomorrow afternoon, will we march to the East Oasis. I won't go easy on slackers, so be prepared.'' After that announcement, walk Kalim back to the dorm and leave the tired resident.

''*Huff**Huff*... My arms and legs are throbbing...'' Moan a resident in pain.

''Water... Someone has any water?'' Beg another resident, with clearly a dried throat.

''And we have to march through the desert tomorrow...'' Whine a third resident. I look at the pained resident and feel really bad for them. I look around to see if anyone looks my way, which is all the way at the back. I see no one, so I slowly use my magic to make a light cold breeze to cool down everyone. The breeze make almost everyone sighed in relief.

''What has gotten into the dorm head? He wasn't like this before.'' Wonder the first resident confused of Kalim's action.

''*Huff*... *Wheeze*... Is it over?'' Ask Grim and pant heavily beside me. I lift him up, so he can relax. ''That guy was all laugh and smiles before. What the hell made him flip his switch so fast?''

''I don't know.'' I answer him, completely unsure of Kalim's behavior. Jamil walk over to us and stand beside me, also thinking about Kalim.

''He probably is worried about Scarabia's standing in the Magift tournament and final exams...'' Suggest Jamil of a solution to the problem. ''He probably feels responsible. Lately, he has been really emotionally unstable.''

''That wasn't just some emotions going haywire. He was like a different person.'' Argued Grim. Jamil sighed and lean back on the wall.

''I have known him for a long time and Kalim is distressed over how to handle this. What he says is all over the place, and he sometimes get iron-fisted... We can't keep up.'' Says Jamil and sighed yet again. I can't pin point if he is acting or not. ''The other residents had no problem following his instructions before, but recently are we all at a loss with his mood swings... Orders like the one we just got, are becoming more frequent... It is only a matter of time before the resident's emotions come to a head and erupt. I have somehow managed to follow him so far, but... even I am starting to reach my limit.''

''You and Trey, from Heartslabyul, sure have it rough.'' Point out Grim and look up at me.

''Huh?'' Says Jamil confused at that commend.

''Trey also tries to help Riddle cool down on the many rules and be less strict.'' I explain to him. Jamil nodded and thought for a second, while looking at me.

''Ah. That is right... You must be the 'diamond in the rough'.'' Says Jamil. I blinked at that.

''Huh? Come again?'' Ask Grim confused to as we exchange look.

''I have heard the rumors... You are the extraordinary students that can solve any problem. You have already done it for Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw and even Octavinelle.'' Explain Jamil with a small smile.

''Heh heh. You are right about that. They owe us big time for all our help.'' Chuckle Grim at the attention we have.

''I need to ask you.'' Chirp Jamil and look serious at me. ''Please help Scarabia though this as well.''

''Huh?'' Says me and Grim together.

''I am sure it was the workings of fate that brought us together in the cafeteria.'' Says Jamil and take my hand. ''If it is you two on the case, will you come up with a solution that is polished like a diamond.''

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