34) Ice skating

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Lumi/Louie POV

I yawn and rub my tired eyes after this long eventful week. Kalim's weird emotion swinging and Jamil's overblot, has really taken a toll on me. I am really happy that it is over and Scarabia is back to normal, but that doesn't mean it made my body less tired. Nevermore jump up to me, to make me wake up. I just giggle at her action and pet her little baby head. Nevermore like the attention and start pulling my blanket, so that I can get out of bed. I sit up on the bed and yawn. I somehow managed to get to the bathroom and get ready for the day, putting on a normal bra since my secret identity isn't a secret anymore.

''Lumi-chan, ohayo.'' Call someone outside the bathroom, as I hear the door burst open. I step out to look at who it is, while brushing my teeth, already in clothes.

''Kalim. You can't just burst into a girls room... Or anyone's for that matter.'' Scold Jamil lightly at Kalim's bubble personality. I quickly went back in and spit out the toothpaste, then get out to greet them.

''Hey, guys. I thought you would go home this morning?'' I say and give them a smile.

''We were, but Kalim got a call from his parents, as they wanted to give hi-'' Start Jamil, but got interrupted by Kalim.

''They gave me six tickets for tomorrows Ice Skating Grand Prix.'' Cheer Kalim and show me the tickets.

''Wow, that is amaz-... Wait, tomorrow?'' I stop my self from being excited, when I notice the time. ''I-Isn't it on the 23 December?''

''It is, and it is tomorrow.'' Point Jamil out, which made my face turn pale. Well, paler than normal.

''Is something wrong?'' Ask Kalim a little worried, when he notice my skin tone. Come on Lumi, act it out.

''N-No, I am fine. I-I am just a huge fan of it, a-and didn't notice the time fly by fast.'' I quickly denied and come up with a lie.

''Well, let's go together then.'' Says Kalim, happy with my excuse. I sigh in relief and give Kalim a happy and exciting smile. The happy moment stopped when Nevermore push my leg a little. I look down at her and see her place down a log of tree.

''I better go and give the fire fairies their daily wood.'' I say to the two and move around them to get out of my room.

''Jamil, let's help.'' Says Kalim and lock his left arm to Jamil's right arm and pull him along.

''You don't have to.'' I say to them and get down the stairs to see Ace and Deuce are awake and already eating breakfast... Which the Leech twin made?

''Goodmorning, Snowflake.'' Greet Azul as he notice us coming down the stairs.

''G-Goodmorning... Have you three made breakfast?'' I ask surprised at their generosity.

''Well of course.'' Says Jade and place a plate in front of me the moment I sat down. It is just eggs and bacon with roasted toast. ''After a hole weekend dealing with Scarabia's sudden change and an overblot, does your body ache when ever you move, right? And there for you aren't cable of making breakfast yourself.''

''Thank you for pointing out the obvious.'' I joked with him and take a bite. It taste great, but I have to eat fast, in order to do the delivery of wood.

''Hey, what is with the rush, Lumi?'' Ask Deuce as he noticed my speed. I jog over to the doorway, but stopped shortly to look at him.

''I have to deliver the wood to the fire fairies. Or else will the school turn into an ice cube.'' I explain to him and run over to the main door, to dress up in my blue winter coat.

'' I explain to him and run over to the main door, to dress up in my blue winter coat

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