51) Vocal & Dance Championship (5-67/5-71)

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Lumi POV

I noticed the shocked and scared faces of my friends, at the appearance of this familiar fellow of mine. Then I remember the time, when he wouldn't tell me his name, since it would strike fear down my spine. But I already know who it is and that still doesn't change. He is my friend.

''I thought I would try to arrive a bit early, but look at this mess of a stage

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''I thought I would try to arrive a bit early, but look at this mess of a stage.'' Commend Mal calmly and walk up the broken stairs to be on the stage with us.

''Tsunotaro.'' I greet him and walk over to give him a quick hug. He flinch a bit but relaxed, right before I let go of him. ''It is good to see you, but the VDC starts in about two hours, so you are waaay to early.''

''TSUNOTARO?'' Yell the others, besides Grim, shocked and even more scared than before. Grim awed and run over to me, to jump up my shoulder and have a better look at Mal.

''Ohh, so you are that Tsunotaro guy that is always loitering in the Ramshackle Dorm yard, in the middle of the night.'' Remember Grim, completely ignoring the others outburst. ''Lumi told me about it, but you really do have horns on your head. Nyahah-ffgh.''

''Oi, Grim.'' Hushed Deuce and pull Grim away while covering his mouth and get away from me and Mal. ''Th-Th-That is not how you talk to your upperclassmen.''

''Lumi.'' Whisper Ace also pulling me away. ''Calling HIM of all people 'Tsunotaro'. Do you really not give a crap about your life?''

''Do ya have any idea who that is?'' Ask Epel worried. I just look between the two and take all this calmly.

''The first time we met, didn't he wanna tell me his name and let me chose a nickname for him. And Tsunotaro was the first thing that came to mind.'' I explain to them and get out of Ace's grip to get back to Mal.

''Roi du Dragon, how did you manage to get inside the Coliseum?'' Ask Rook curious, because during the overblot fight, where there a barrier around the Coliseum.

''I was invited here by little Ice Princess that resides in Ramshackle Dorm. I have a proper invitation, you know.'' Inform Mal and show his VDC ticket I gave him. But then I remember what he said about me. Did he see me remove all the ice?

''That... is not exactly what I meant.'' Says Rook with a small shake of his head. ''The poisonous fog bearing a powerful curse, born from Vil-kun's Unique Magic, should still be surrounding this place. Any who come in contact with it should be forced to suffer.''

''Oh, now that you mention it, I did get the feeling that there was some spell cast here, but...'' Explained Mal and look towards the entrance he came from. But he then smirked and cross his arms, while looking at Rook. ''No matter how powerful it may be, it will not be able to curse me.''

''Hmph. Seems like you had a grand old time taking advantage of Lumi's naivete.'' Commend Vil and pull me to make me stand beside him, to better 'protect' me. Vil then make me look at him as he point at Mal. ''He is the Dorm Leader of Diasomnia, the dorm founded on the elegance of the Witch of Thorns... Malleus Draconia.''

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