15) Magical Shift Tournament(2-28/2-31)

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Lumi/Louie POV

I look at Riddle confused at why he would interrupt my dad. What is he thinking?

''Headmaster, I think you should hear from the injured students first before giving a punishment.'' Says Riddle and look behind him. We look towards the entrance of this arena and see a bunch of of the injured students coming closer. 

''Rosehearts-kun? And you all are...'' Ask my dad confused at their arrival. 

''Hai. They are all the victims in the accidents.'' Answer Riddle, standing in the front of them all. Trey come closer on his crutches. 

''Headmaster, as the victims, we have a request to ask of you.'' Start Trey and look directly at my dad. ''Could you please refrain from disqualifying Savanaclaw and have them play in the tournament?''

''What is this now? Are you saying... to let them off?'' Ask my dad confused at the request. 

''You guys...'' Mumble Ruggie amazed at their generosity.

''No. We are not letting them off.'' Denied Jamil quickly and look between dad and Ruggie.

''If Savanaclaw doesn't play, then we can't get the payback we crave for.'' Explain Trey with a smirk.

''Eh, eeeehhh?'' Yelp Ruggie at that statement. 

''Payback?'' Ask Jack shocked too.

''Personal squabbles involving magic are prohibited on campus.'' Inform Riddle, not even looking their way.

''Magical Shift is a well respected sport, right? However, it is also known as a field where you can have an all out magical battle... You know.'' Point Trey out sceptic.

''Yeah. I won't get any closure if I don't get at least one hit on you guys.'' Agreed a familiar Heartslabyul resident.

''It is a perfect revenge.'' Add a familiar Pomefiore resident.

''I don't know what happened to you all, but Savanaclaw looks to be in worse shape than all of us.'' Point Jamil out with a smirk. 

''Since we know who the culprit is, do I think getting rid of our grudge with a game of magical shift is rather convenient.'' Suggest Trey.

''Leona-san, didn't you say something before?'' Ask Cater and give the lion a smug look. ''About how during the game, can you use any attack without violating the rules.''

''Normally it would be off with your head for using our traditions to settle personal grudges, but... this is what Trey and the others wish. So I will turn a blind eye this once.'' Says Riddle honest and get over to me. Him and Cater help me up to stand. My dad look between them.

''I understand how you must be feeling.'' Start dad and look at them all. ''However, I am not sure whether or not Savanaclaw can be in the tournament like this. Especially you, Kingscholar-kun, can you even stand right now?''

''Hmph. Don't underestimate me, Crowley.'' Chuckle Leona and easily got up. I can barely walk. ''I could take on some wounded herbivores in my sleep.''

''Those are big words.'' Mock Jamil back and cross his arms, being careful with his injured right hand.

''I have zero intention of apologizing. If that is what you want then force me to on the field.'' Says Leona back at Jamil.

''There you have it, Headmaster. Are you alright with this?'' Ask Trey to my dad.

''My goodness. I am the fool for thinking you would have some impressive speech prepared.'' Sighed dad and look at everyone. ''Alright. I shall allow Savanaclaw to play in the tournament as planned. As the Headmaster, would I also like to avoid having something like this be broadcast to the world on the day of the tournament.''

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