63) A troubled concern (7-1/7-19)

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3rd POV

Thunder roars through the sky, resulting in a baby crying out of fear. Lumi flinched at the sudden sounds as her eye jump open. She immediately noticed the similarity of blackness for a dream vision of the past. A grey mist past by her body and form a scenario.

''Each of us should bless the child with a gift.'' Suggest a figure in front of Lumi, cuddling over a baby cradle with two others. Lumi take a quick moment to look around her and see she is inside a ball room, belonging to a castle. ''Tiny princess.''

''So we are in a castle.'' Mumble Lumi and look at the three fairies. Then out of the blue, slams the doors open with thunder roaring once again.

''It is Maleficent.'' Gasp the tallest fairy. Lumi blinked surprised at the name reveal of one of the Great Seven, the Witch of Thorns.

''I was worried since I didn't receive an invitation...'' Says the Witch of Thorns with a sick sweet voice.

''You weren't invited.'' Says the smallest fairy with a glare on her face.

''I wasn't? *Huff* I too, shall bless the child with a gift. Listen well, all of you.'' Says the Witch of Thorns and fiddle with her scepter, which has a green orb attached to it. ''The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, and she will be love by everyone. But before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and... DIE.''

''*Gasp*'' Lumi jump straight up into a seating position, feeling her heart beat rapidly. The Witch's loud treat ego in her head, shaking her with fear. Lumi ground herself by reaching out and pet Nevermore, who is sleeping right beside her, and start analyzing the dream. It was short, probably the shortest one yet, but it had something similar to the now. If her theory about the similarity connection between the Great Seven and her friends, then... ''Malleus is next... He doesn't get invited to parties, just like her... Or is it, Lilia?''

''Rarw.'' Moan Nevermore and stretch her body a little, to then lay on Lumi's lap. Lumi sighed out loud and lay back down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling while petting Nevermore.

''I need to figure this out.'' Mumble Lumi with a frown. This time she will be prepared, but she still need to figure out who is the next victims. ''Can I stop it before they overblot?''

*Time skip*

Lumi POV

I didn't sleep at all. My mind was too busy trying to figure out what that dream meant, about who is the next person to overblot and how can I possibly prevent it. I have already dealt with six overblots, all of them being my friends, so it must be someone from Diasomnia, which mean it could either be Silver, Sebek, Lilia and Malleus. But when it goes to similarity between the Great Seven and the victim, then it must be Malleus. One, they look like each others. Two, they both don't get invited to parties and three... Actually, I can't think of another reason. But this will bother me all day for sure.

''*Yawn* Good morning, Lumi.'' Greet Grim and get up from his bed. I stayed silence, already in clothes since I couldn't go back to sleep, and take a small look at the mirror. The scary image from the dream flashes before me, as my gut feeling grows stronger.

''I need to go.'' I say firmly and sprint out of my room, straight for the exit of my dorm.

''Ffgna? Lumi, why are you in such a hurry?'' Ask Grim still in the bedroom, but I just ignore him and go straight to the Main Street. Nevermore seems to be following me, but I don't care right now. When the mighty statues becomes visible, do I slow down a little to catch my breath again, before coming to a full stop by the statue of the Witch of Thorns.

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