56) The Land of Grief (6-27/6-41)

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Lumi POV

''Your family is rich, if they have a forest cabin like this, Rook.'' I commend as we find the first place to be for the night, to rest up before continue our way to the Land of Grief. And Rook's so called villa, is a massive luxurious cabin, with a beautiful view over the crystal clear lake. This must had cost a fortune.

''Sadly, I can't tell you my family's secret, so you will have to leave it there.'' Mock Rook and easily find a hidden key to open the villa. Since we are so late in the night, are we only here to get some sleep, then leave first thing in the morning... With some breakfast.

''It's a good thing you have such a big family Rook-san.'' Commend Epel and help take the bags off Nevermore, so she can shrink size. ''Otherwise, we would have to sleep in the cold forest.''

''Well, Nevermore would have covered us with her wings, if that is the case.'' I point out and pick up my tired baby dragon. ''Apparently a dragons body gives up heat, so being near one will warm you up, while the wing can cover you from the wind.''

''Yeah okay, that would be useful.'' Says Epel and close the front door.

''Well, let me show you the guest room, so we can get our beauty sleep.'' Says Rook and invite us towards some rooms, near the big living room with the great view.

''I really hope we find the guys tomorrow.'' I mumble out loud and sit on the bed I will sleep on. Epel will sleep in the room beside me, while Rook takes a room a bit further away. I take off the Pomefiore dorm uniform, so I can sleep in just my underwear. I get under the bed sheet and easily snooze off to sleep, with Nevermore by my feets. The wish for sleeps takes over and pull me to the comforting darkness.

''You can't marry a man you just meet.'' Speak up a female voice, making my eyes jump open and look around, only to see I am not in the guest room anymore. But in open room, with lots of fancy people dressed up to probably a ball.

''You can if it is true love.'' Says another female voice back and get my attention. I find the source of the voices and see two female, more properly dressed up than the others, meaning they are important to the party, while one of them is holding arms with a man.

''What do you know about true love?'' Ask the beautiful female with a long cape and a crown.

''More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.'' Argue the second female, a bit younger than the first. The first female is taken back, but kept her patient.

''You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.'' Denied the female and turn to walk away. ''Now, excuse me.''

''Your majesty if-'' Tries the male, but the female, the queen, stopped him.

''No you may not and I think you should go.'' Denied the queen and walk past a guard. ''The party is over, close the gates.''

''The gates?'' I mumble to myself as that sounded familiar. All of this seems familiar to me.

''No. No wait.'' Beg the younger female and grab the queen's left glove.

''Give me my glove.'' Order the queen sternly and try to reach it, but the younger female, which I either believe is a close friend or a sister, stepped back.

''Please, please, I can't live like this anymore.'' Beg the female.

''Then leave.'' Says the queen with regret and turn to get to the main door.

''What did I ever do to you?'' Ask the female and slowly getting angry. ''Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid off?''

''I said ENOUGH.'' Yell the queen and swing her left arm back, only to let out her magic of pure ice on to the floor and make a half circle barricade of ice spikes. All the guests are taken back by it, but this only made it click to me. This is the Ice Queen, the missing member of the original Great Eight.

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