6) Senpai's (1-13/1-17)

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Lumi/Louie POV

Before I even could do anything to stop Deuce, has he already hit the two other students with strong punches, that also sending them to the ground.

''T-This guy is straight up mad. That wasn't just six hits. Liar.'' Whine the white haired and slowly stand up along with the other.

''Let's get the hell outta here. I am sorry to all the chickens.'' Says the red haired student and flied along with the other.

''Apologize 100 times next time you eat eggs. Dumbasses.'' Shout Deuce at them, still pumped up and ready to fight.

''Deuce. Calm down. What is wrong with you all of sudden?'' I ask and step in front of Deuce to look into his eyes. He blink for a second, then he calm down and his frown become a sad frown. Talk about mood swings here. And I am lady who gets moody on specifik times.

''What has gotten into you?'' Ask Grim, still shocked of what happen.

''I-I screwed up... I vowed that I would definitely, definitely be an honors student this time...'' Mumble Deuce sadly and look down.

''What do you mean?'' I ask carefully, knowing that this is a sensitive subject. Deuce look up from the ground and down to me, since I am smaller than him... I am so short...

''In middle school, all I ever did was screwed around... I constantly skipped school and spent all my time getting into fights. I disrespected all my teachers, hung around sketchy upperclassmen and bleached my hair to death. Even ran around all over the place riding a magical wheel.'' Inform Deuce with a sigh, and look away again. ''I was a terrible person that went as far as to use magic to those who couldn't.''

''Just now you went full bad boy on those guys.'' Point Grim out.

''I would never have guessed that you had such a past.'' I said worried and place a hand on Deuce shoulder. Deuce take a deep breath and continue.

''One night... I saw my mom hiding away, in tears, as she called my grandma. 'Was the way I raised him wrong? Would it have been better if he had both parents?'... She was wrong. Mom never did anything wrong. It was all me. So when the carriage from Night Raven College came to get me was my mom so happy, and I don't want to make her cry again. This time, am I going to be an honors student my mom can be proud of... And now I have done this. Shit.'' Grumble Deuce and clench his hands. 

''But, you know... Does being an honor student mean you have to grin and bear everything?'' Ask Grim, still a little confused about it all, which actually surprise Deuce a little. ''Those delinquents deserved another 10 punches if you ask me. You fought them off before I could, though.''

''Grim is right. An honor student isn't chosen just because they following the rules and stay out of trouble. They can also try their best to help the school is some way that the school appreciate.'' I stated with a bright smile to cheer Deuce up. ''I once heard from my dad that a previous student, years before us, became an honor student because he was helping a lot of student who got hurt in one of the school events. He used everything he could to not only heal the hurt, but also stop the chaos from becoming worse.''

''You guys...'' Mumble Deuce and give a small smile to us. He is defiantly feeling better now.

''Even and honor student can get mad, too.'' I add and pick up the plastic bags with our stuff, also removing the eggs we can't use. 

''Really?.. Heh. May those baby chicks rest in peace.'' I stop for split second and look confused at Deuce, who start helping me pick up our stuff.

''Deuce. You do know that these eggs are unfertilized, so they wouldn't become a chicken, right?'' I ask and really hope I heard wrong.

''Eeeeeeeehhhhh??? You got to be kidding?'' Yelp Deuce embarrassed. His yelp echoed through out the hole main road.

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