8) Riddle the Rules (1-24/1-28 + Extra)

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WARNING: Super long

Lumi/Louie POV

I can't believe what I am hearing and seeing. My dad just said it would be dangerous if Riddle continues, and it did. The black fog covered Riddle's body, swirling around him as his silhuett changed. And to make this more worse, do I suddenly see a magic pen, Riddle's pen, turning the ruby red stone into black obsidian and black inks covers the magic pen.

 And to make this more worse, do I suddenly see a magic pen, Riddle's pen, turning the ruby red stone into black obsidian and black inks covers the magic pen

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''Is-Is that R-Riddle?'' I stutter and point at the dorm leader, who changed

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''Is-Is that R-Riddle?'' I stutter and point at the dorm leader, who changed. The black fog move away to show his fully changed appearance. ''His aura is completely black.'' Right behind him rose a shadow into a form of the Queen of Hearts, but with a heart shaped glass as the head.

''Hnhnhn...'' Chuckle Riddle slowly, then turn his laugher into a sick maniac one. He then glare harshly towards us. ''Those foolish enough to disobey me, I have no need of them in my world.'' His voice is different. An female echoing voice is behind his original one, making him sound more like a demon from hell. ''I am the law in my world. I am the rules. No other responses than 'Yes, lord Riddle' is acceptable. It's off with the heads of any who disobey me. Ahahahaha.''

''He is not thinking straight anymore.'' I mumble and look at Ace, who agree with me.

''Ahh, look at this mess.'' Whine dad sadly at the destruction. ''A student has gone into overblot right in front of me.''

''What the hell is overblot? That guy got a wicked air to him now.'' Ask Grim scared and hide behind my legs.

''Overblot is a state that wizards must avoid at all cost.'' Explain dad serious and look at Riddle, who lift a rose tree and throw it at us, but dad use a spell to block it and send it away from us. ''He has been caught up in a storm of negative energy, that has made him lose control of his emotions and magic.''

''So...'' I stated and hesitate to continue, but I wanna know. ''So this is what you were afraid of about my magic, right? Of what it would do to the surrounding and... Me?''

''...Hai.'' Agreed dad and look at me with sad eyes.

''I don't really get it.'' Admit Grim, still confused.

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