28) Prison escape (4-17/4-20)

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Lumi/Louie POV

We finally arrived at the dry East Oasis and everyone just fall down to the sand in exhaustion. Even though Grim hasn't walked the way because I let him rest on my shoulder, is he still tired by the heat, but is he also watching over me, and try his best to keep me going and stay awake. He is cute in his own way. 

''*Wheeze**Huff* My throat is shredded. Kalim, give us water.'' Ask Grim and walk over to Kalim. I wanna warn him, but I am too tired to do anything. Kalim look down at Grim with a harsh glare with his red glowing eyes.

''Give you water? You presume to order me around?'' Ask Kalim harsh and slightly kick Grim away.

''Eek?'' Yelp Grim at the kick and run to hide behind me.

''I am not your faucet. Get it from the Oasis if you are thirsty.'' Says Kalim and look away from Grim. Some of the resident heard him and look at each other confused.

''Get water from a dried up Oasis?'' Ask a resident confused.

''How much of a dictator can he be?'' Ask another resident and can't take Kalim's action anymore.

''Seriously, what is going through his head?'' Ask a third resident annoyed. Jamil quickly walk over to the three and shush at them.

''We are alright. I planned for this and there is water with the camels. Make sure everyone gets some.'' Says Jamil and point towards some camels with barrels attached to them. The three went to work and start deliver some water to the other resident. 

''Thank you so much. We would be better off with you as dorm head.'' Says the first resident. Jamil come with a bigger cup for me. Luckily is the water nice and cold... But not enough for me to make it back to the dorm. I won't even make it pass one kilometer.

''Don't say anything reckless. You would be in trouble if Kalim heard.'' Shush Jamil at the resident and make sure that Kalim isn't near them.

''But it is true.'' Says the resident back, clearly not caring if Kalim heard him.

''Long before things got this way, you did all the dorm head stuff...'' Point out the second resident.

''Shh...'' Shush Jamil yet again and notice that more resident heard the conversation and in they are agreeing in their eyes. Jamil look back at the two resident with a stone face. ''It is the fate of those who ser-... No, work for the Asim family.'' Jamil takes my cup to refill it. I really wanna say thank you, but my throat his like sandpaper. ''Drink plenty of water while we rest. The afternoon sun is going to make the return trip worse.''

''Jamil-senpai.'' Mumble the first resident and continue to spread out water to everyone. But the happy relaxing moment is ruined by Kalim, who appear behind the elephant.

''ATTENTION. Break time is over. Get back in formation.'' Order Kalim at everyone. They all scramble up to their feets to get into formation.

''Jamil-senpai. I-I... I really can't stay in this form anymore.'' Whine a resident the moment Kalim look away.

''Me neither. I can't follow Kalim any longer.'' Whine another one, not wanting to walk anymore.

''How can you bear following his order?'' Ask a third resident confused at Jamil's calmness. Jamil doesn't answer him right away and help me get up on my feets. Jamil slowly look at the resident and come with one simpel answer.

''Because... He is 'Kalim Al-Asim'.'' Answer Jamil and help me walk towards the elephant. But I managed to stop him and look him in the eyes. Even get the strength to speak.

''It is because you have been with him, since you were little, right? You know him better than any of us.'' I started and look in the eyes of Jamil. ''And by the way you say his name and is constantly doing what he tell you to, means that you are in a position where you have no right to go against him. Am I right?''

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