12) Savanaclaw dormitory(2-12/2-16)

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Lumi/Louie POV

I ran with the others to get to safety. Away from these incredibly fast twin brothers, who is chasing after us. And that is probably because they have long legs.

''They are coming after us.'' Warn Deuce worried when he looked back. 

''Ne, ne, wait up.'' Call Floyd like this is a game of tag. 

''Who in their right mind would wait? Everyone, retreat.'' Order Riddle and run faster with me in tow. My heart beat so fast of being scared, so scared that I lose control of my ice. Because I wish for them to stop following us, turn the ground I touch into slippery ice. 

''Wah.'' Gasp Floyd and slip on the ice like in a cartoon, and Jade fell too. I gasp of fear again because I lost control and look back at them, to at least see if they are alright. They are, and for some reason is the ice gone.

''What the...'' I mumble to myself and see a light glow underneath my shirt. It was there for a short moment before stopping. Was is the necklace? Maybe it is, cause Sam said it can stop my powers from going out of control. So it must have absorbed the ice the twin slipped on.

3rd POV

''Aah. They got away.'' Whine Floyd and see the group get away from the ground. Jade on the other hand is chuckling.

''Hehehe, it was an enjoyable game of tag.'' Chuckle Jade and get up from the ground along with Floyd.

''I didn't know that one of them could do ice magic. Isn't that forbidden?'' Ask Floyd confused and look at the ground where the ice was.

''Well, that is true. It must been one of the two first years. The third one is magicless, according to Azul.'' Point Jade out, a little fascinated to know who can use ice magic since it is a forbidden magic. He then hear an alarm clock and take a look at his watch. ''My my, Floyd. It is almost time to get ready at Monstro Lounge. We will have to save playing with them for another time. And we should inform Azul about the ice.''

''Fine.'' Agreed Floyd as he and Jade walk the opposite way to get to the Hall of Mirrors.

Lumi/Louie POV

We ran all the way to the Main Street of the school campus

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We ran all the way to the Main Street of the school campus. The twins aren't following us anymore.

''That was scary. What is their deal?'' Huff Grim scared and try to get his heart to calm down.

''Don't ask me.'' Call Riddle annoyed and cross his arms. ''They have been that way since last year and I just can't handle them.''

''I would be afraid of their revenge if I went after them as the culprit.'' Admit Cater and cross their names from his list.

''I wouldn't even try.'' Add Ace with his thought.

''I have been thinking.'' I start out loud and finally get my breath. ''There mut be an easier way to point out the culprit of these accidents.''

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