4) Collar (1-1/1-5)

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(Just a reminder on how she looks like)

Lumi/Louie POV

After getting back to our dorm, the Ramshackle dorm (I found out that in romanji/japanese, is it called Onboro, but I will keep use Ramshackle), do Grim go right away to the comfy chair and get to sleep, while I go into the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. When I look at myself in the mirror, do I see my face is stil smiling, but I can understand why. This day has been hard, but I am accepted, by my dad, to go to this school, which is making me super happy. When I step outside, do a yawn escape my mouth, but in the corner of my eyes do I see something shining by the other mirror in the room. I stop for a second and look at it. The mirror wave lake droplets to a sea, and my mind gets fussy and lightheaded. When I shake my head and get my vision together, do I suddenly see that I am not in my room, but in some kind of garden. Everything is also black and white.

''Hurry and paint the roses red.'' I turn around and look towards heart shaped tree, with a Ace of Clover card soldier, jumping around it with a paintbrush and paint the white roses red, which is the only color accept black and white. I see another one more helping the first.

''Hurry before the flowers wither.'' That is a Two of Clovers. I look confused at them, and then remember where I know them from. Dad used to read bedtimes stories about the Great Seven, and this is one of them.

''Hurry, hurry. We have to paint them all red.'' They move around and swing the brushes like they are dancing. Then a girl appeared and look confused at the two cards.

''Why do you have to paint the white roses red?'' Ask the girl, making the two Card Soldier stop.

''Why you ask? The truth is. We made a mistake and grew white one'' Answer the Two of Clovers.

''The queen loves red. If she sees white, will she have out heads.'' Added the Ace of Clover scared.

''Really?'' Wonder the girl, still confused and walk over to a third card, the Three of Clovers, that stands on a ladder.

''That is right. Therefore, we are painting the roses.'' Answer the Three of Clovers. My vision gets fussy again and when I blink my eyes, do I see myself back to my room.

''What exactly happen?'' I wonder confused and look at the mirror. Now it is just a normal mirror where I see my reflection. I try to shake my head and look at it again, but a sudden knocking downstairs take my attention. ''Who would be knocking on the the door this late?''

''Munyaa...'' Yawn Grim and sit up, rubbing his eye. ''Hey, Lumi. Sounds like we have a late-night visitor.'' I nodded as the knocking continues. ''What? Is it the ghosts again? They don't know when to quit.''

''Let's go and check.'' We walk down the stairs and to the entrance door. ''Who is it?'' I call as I approach the door.

''It is me, Ace. Let me in.'' Call Ace from the other side. I open the door right away and see a pissed off Ace with a familiar collar around his neck.

''Ace? What are you doing this late... Gehgeh. You have a collar.'' Yelp Grim and spot the familiar black and red, heart shaped collar with a lock on it.

''I am never going back to Heartslabyul. Starting today, am I joining your dorm.'' Claim Ace directly, shocking me. He wanna leave his dorm just like that? What happen?

''Come again?'' Ask Grim confused. I let Ace in and we go to the lounge to continue the conversation.

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