46) Last adjustments (5-46/5-50)

807 26 0

Lumi POV

This morning might be one of the toughest one. Why? Because there is only one week left for the competition. We are right now waiting in the dancing room, for Vil to give a 'hard warming' speech, to inspire everyone to keep going for one more week. After a waiting for about ten minutes, enter Vil the dancing room, with a very serious look. 

''At last, we have entered the last week before the Vocal & Dance Championship. Today we start dress rehearsals.'' Announce Vil, confusing some of the others, because they are wearing their school uniforms, and not their PE cloths.

''Our stage costumes are going to be our school uniforms?'' Ask Ace, looking down at his uniform.

''Precisely, because we are going to represent the whole school, when we get up on that stage.'' Answer Rook, clearly knowing why Vil choose the uniforms. Vil smirked at that, with a confirmed nod.

''Uniforms are the best choice for any boys group that wants their costumes to feel fresh.'' Explained Vil, slightly posing with his uniform. ''Of course, its a special made version that is easy to both dance and stretch in. Make sure to thank the Headmaster for this.''

''This was an easy enough task to accomplish.'' Chuckle my father, who was standing right beside me. ''It also works as PR for the scho- I myself want you all to easily be able to give the dance your all.''

''Nice safe, dad.'' I whisper to him with a small chuckle.

''I would have loved to wear something flashier, though.'' Complained Kalim a little, pulling a little on his white sweater.

''It is decided. There is nothing that can be done.'' Says Jamil at Kalim, making him stop looking at his own clothes.

''Besides.'' I chirped and walk over to them. ''This is the perfect way to represent the school. I as Snow Princess, chooses clothing that represent the winter and snow.''

''That makes sense.'' Admit Kalim and actually gets what I mean.

''*Clap**Clap* That is enough of the idle chatter.'' Call Vil out, making us all stop talking and look at him. ''We are going to run through the whole song, start to finish.''

''Yessir.'' Cheer everyone, getting excited to start practicing. They all get into starting positions.

''I will start the music.'' I call out and walk over to the speaker.

When they finished their short version of the dance, they are gonna perform at the VDC, waits the group to hear what my dad has to say of this. I look at him and see that he is utterly amazed.

''Ohhh... Ooohhh. Absolutely wonderful. Your every breath was in synch for that performance.'' Exclaim dad with such a proud smile. ''And I have a feeling that my little daughter has a hand in that part. Was it Do-Re-Mi song?''

''It sure was.'' I nodded at that. Dad then turn to look at Vil.

''Having you, Schoenheit-kun, produce this performance really was the best call. The song is hype and cutting edge, every move of your dance is on point, and the vocals are off the charts. On top of all that, the lyrics also have a message to them. Every factor to your performance is polished to perfection.'' Continue dad and is slowly overreacting a bit.

Headmaster's icy child (Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now