14) Leona the King (2-22/2-27)

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3rd POV

Grim is snoring loud as he dream sweet of being part of Magift. While Lumi, is sleeping so quietly, that others would think she is dead. Right before she went to bed, did she check on the dragon egg. It was a little cold, so she decided to cuddle with it, just to keep it warm. The mirror start flickering again, but this time, does it send some small sparkels to Lumi. Her body then starts lifting up and she sleepwalk towards the mirror, to 'see' what it wanna show her.

''I smell... dirt?'' Mumble Lumi and wake up. She look around and see that she is inside a cave. She even hear singing.

''Do stop Zazu, you are bringing the mood down.'' Lumi jump in surprise and look behind her. She see the King of Beast laying on a rock and scold at a tropical bird, trapped inside a cage made of bones. 

''Oh, I would never have to do this with Mufasa...'' Mumble the bird and stopped singing.

''What.'' Roar the lion and growl at the poor bird. He even circle around the bird, just to frighten him. ''What did you say. I am the king.''

''Hey, boss, we gotta bone to pick with you.'' Says a hyena and comes into the cave. The lion sighed and sit on a rockplatform on the other side of the cave. Two more hyenas comes in.

''There is no food, no water. And we are starving.'' Says the female hyena.

''I don't care. Just eat Zazu.'' Growl the lion at the three hyena. The hyenas look at each other with hate.

''Things were better under Mufasa.'' Grumble the male hyena and the other two agreed.

''Hmph, is that so. You are an eyesore. Get out.'' Roar the lion and the hyenas run away in fear. 

''What happened to the motivation he had before becoming king...'' Mumble Lumi and close her eyes. And that is where the scene end.

*Time skip*

Lumi/Louie POV

''Hey... Get up.'' I groan at the voice that I waking me up. Even shaking me... Wait a sec.

''INTRUDER.'' I yelp and punch the jaw of who ever it was.

''Gah.'' I rub my eyes and see it was Jack I hit.

''Jack. Never, EVER, do that again.'' I scold him and use my blanket to cover myself. I do wear pajamas, but it is a girl instinct. 

''Huh? Why are you in our dorm?'' Ask Grim confused and woke up to my scream. Jack massure his face, before answering.

''I came during my morning run. Today is the Magical Shift Tournament. I couldn't let you oversleep.'' Answer Jack and touch his jaw again of pain. ''And you can give one heck of a punch.''

''Sorry. Self defense lessons with Vargas-sensei.'' I inform and blush of how embarrassing it was to hit him.

''Ah. That is right.'' Remember Grim and jump up to my bed. ''We gotta catch the culprit, so Ramshackle Dorm can get our prize. Entry into the tournament.''

''Let's do it, then. Just let me change into my new dorm uniform.'' I cheer and jump off the bed and directly to the room installed bathroom.

''Hmm... See you at the stadium, then. Don't you dare go back to sleep.'' Call Jack.

''I won't. See ya.'' I promise and change out of my pajamas to my new uniform. I hear the door close, indicating he left.

''Hey, Louie. Shall we take the egg with us?'' Ask Grim from the other side of the door.

''Yes. We can't leave it unattended. So please put it carefully into the bag.'' I instruct calmly and is almost finished. I get out of the bathroom and take the ready backpack on my shoulders. ''Let's go meet the others at Main Street.''

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