22) Plan C (3-23/3-28)

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3rd POV

A full five minutes of fighting passes and the group of four is getting tired, while the fifth is sadly watching at the back. She does have a secret to keep. Every attack her friends send, will either be blocked or change direction to another place. Only Floyd and Jade are fighting, while Azul provide with small strong attacks.

''Shit... The dorm head class is this strong?'' Huff Jack tired as he glared at Azul for using the stolen magic he collected by the contracts. Azul chuckle at the sight of the groups tiredness.

''If you can't handle this, then stealing a contract is out of the question.'' Scold Azul with a smirk.

''Wouldn't going to the Atlantica Memorial Museum be faster?'' Mock Floyd with a chuckle, also enjoying the groups tiredness.

''Your time limit is until tomorrow at sunset. You really don't have time.'' Mock Jade along.

''There is also going to sleep in the infirmary after this little fight, but then it is time up.'' Mock Floyd further, pissing the group even more.

''We will be back.'' Growl Deuce and get his breath back.

''Shit, I am no good at summoning magic, but... Come forth, cauldron.'' Chant Ace and do Deuces special skill, and send it towards Floyd.

''Why you, don't copy me.'' Growl Deuce at Ace. Floyd lift his wand and stop the cauldron from hitting him.

''I told you yesterday. That won't hit. Bind the Heart.'' Chant Floyd and made the cauldron change direction towards the group. The group jump away, which make the cauldron hit the vault instead.

''Floyd. Where are you aiming your spell?'' Scold Azul at Floyd's carelessness and look closer at the vault.

''Ah, sorry.'' Apologize Floyd lightly.

''Aah, there is a scratch on the door.'' Yelp Azul worried of his vault. He run over to the vault to check on it. ''Do the dials and hinges still work?.. Oh good.'' Azul sigh in relief that it is still functional. Then glared back at Floyd. ''I am always telling you to stop throwing around your unique magic without thinking. How many times do I have to?''

''I said sorry.'' Argue Floyd back and get a little annoyed at Azul's tone. ''You don't have to get angry over a tiny scratch like that.''

''It is too late if it breaks.'' Scold Azul further on. Jade sighed at their argument and notice the door slightly open.

''Both of you, calm down. Otherwise...'' Call out Jade and get their attention and guide their sight towards the group sneaking away. While Azul and Floyd argued, signalled Lumi her friends to take the change to get away. ''They will get away.''

''Eh?'' Yelp the two shocked and noticed that they are all gone. Lumi and Grim is the last ones to leave and made sure to glare at the three, to warn them she won't give up.

''Now is our chance. Farewell, y'know.'' Cheer Grim and take the lead down the hallway towards the exit.

''S-Stop right there. Jade, Floyd, after them.'' Try Azul, but it is too late. Lumi slam the door and use her ice magic to lock the door a little, giving them more time to escape.

''You got mad at me and now I am in a bad mood.'' Denied Floyd and sit on one of the couches.

''Is now the time for that? Why are you so moody?'' Scold Azul and doesn't like Floyd's attitude.

''It is fine if the vault breaks. Aren't your contracts invincible?'' Ask Floyd annoyed.

''Are you telling me to carry the contracts with me wherever I go?'' Ask Azul, also annoyed, but then take a deep breath. ''Aahh... This won't do at all. I got caught up in the moment with Floyd again. My goodness... Jade, continue to keep an eye on them and... don't neglect Floyd's protection.''

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