53) Grave absence (6-1/6-6)

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(These chapters of Twisted Wonderland is getting longer for each dorm, so the chapters are also gonna be longer, so there won't be to many chapters.)

Lumi POV

I slowly open my eyes, expecting to be in the stadium, but I am in no pain. I lift my arms to see no scratches from Grim's claws, which quickly turn my attention to my where about. But all I see is clouds underneath me and a beautiful sunrise colors in the sky.

''So bright.'' I mumble and noticed the clouds moving up into a wall, before departure to leave a golden gates in front of me, with a cloud city behind the bars. I feel my body being sucked in to a open ballroom with pillars as walls, with lots of well dressed people enjoying a party. This must be another vision dream, and it seems I am being more and more part of it. 

''Look at how cute he is.'' Broad a large voice in the middle of the room, over a baby crib. With the help of a women, carries the man the baby and then look at the guests. ''On behalf of my son, I want to thank you for all of your wonderful gifts.''

''How sentimental.'' Commend someone in the shadow, which walk into the light and reveal himself as the King of the Underworld. ''You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat, hah?'' Joke the King of the Underworld, but it didn't work. Instead approach the father with a bright smile.

''Come on, don't be such a stiff. Join the celebration.'' Invite the man kindly.

''I, regrettably, have a full-time gig that you, by the way, so charitable bestowed on me, Zeus.'' Denied the King of the Underworld with hatreds in his voice. ''So, can't. Love to, but can't.''

''You oughta slow down. You will work yourself to death.'' Suggest the big man, but then laughed when he realized what he said. Even the guests laughed at that. ''Ha. Work yourself to death. Oh, I kill myself.''

''Ha. If only.'' Mumble the King of the Underworld and left the party. The clouds suddenly move on its own and cover my sight and I feel myself fall. I gasp and reach up for help, when drowsiness hits me.

''..ey.'' My ears catch a faint voice, calling for me. ''Hey, Lumi. Wake up already.'' The voice is all to familiar to me. Ace.

''Mhm.'' I groaned as pain stretches' through my arms. Now I know I am awake. I open my eyes for real this time and see my bedroom, with Ace and Deuce sitting on each side of the bed.

 I open my eyes for real this time and see my bedroom, with Ace and Deuce sitting on each side of the bed

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''Oi, you don't get to just pass out after making us come over in the middle of the night.'' Complain Ace, but kept his tone down. 

''I was a bit surprised to hear Nevermore roar like that.'' Commend Deuce and look to my right, where Nevermore is in baby size and look really scared and concerned. I would reach out to her, but the pain in my arms are really painful to even move them. ''You even mumble something about Grim being missing?''

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