61) Home sweet home (6-80/6-89)

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(The video continues from 15:05)

3rd POV

After a long journey back to Night Raven College, has the cargo ship finally landed on the school field and let out the previous captives students free. And the massive vehicle has gathered the attention of everyone else in the school.

''Ah... We finally reached the school.'' Sighed Leona annoyed and get out first, with Jamil right behind him, who has Lumi leaning against him. ''We just listened to hysterical crying for three hours while being stuck in a cramped airplane, my eardrums nearly broke.''

''As expected from a celebrity that is active on the front line... His lung capacity and voice volume is very different from us ordinary people.'' Says Jamil and walk very slowly for Lumi's sake. She is still really weak and a little bit dizzy.

''Ugh, Vil's crying sound is still ringing in my ears.'' Whine Grim and pull his ears down in annoyance.

''Since he completely transformed into a different person in just one night, so of course he will be shocked.'' Remind Azul and feel a little bad for Vil and king of understanding what he might be feeling.

''I agree.'' Sighed Riddle and slightly look over his shoulder, looking at Vil being supported by Rook and Epel. ''Anyway, let's hurry up and have Vil-senpai and Lumi examined by a medical technician that is stationed at the academy.''

''I just need to sleep and then I will be fine.'' Wave off Lumi and weakly wave her hand in mid air.

''Yeah right. You weak body has apparently weaken you mind too.'' Commend Leona and poke her forehead. 

''Vil, can you walk?'' Ask Rook and make sure Vil is alright.

''S-Stop treating me like an old man.'' Complain Vil sadden, still haven't taken his sudden change well. 

''Don't be stubborn, just grab on our shoulders.'' Argue Epel and keep a strong hold on Vil's arm.

''LEONA-SAN.'' Yell out a voice and get the groups attention. They see a bunch of figures running up towards the aircraft, and slowly reveals them to be the vice dorm leader or students. With the first people to reach them, being Ruggie and Jack, with Ruggie grabbing Leona's arm in annoyance. ''The fact that your unnecessary long legs are still there, means you have made it back alive, right? If you didn't come back, I was afraid that all the back scratching I have done so far would be a waste... Ah, I am so glad.''

''The word you said just now has blown away all the back scratching you have done in the past, Ruggie.'' Says Leona and smirk at Ruggie's slip up.

''Oops, I am sorry for that. I am just so relieved that the boss is back.'' Says Ruggie and out his hands behind his head.

''Hmph, how slick you are.'' Huffed Leona and cross his arms over his chest. Lumi smiled at their small conversation, happy there ain't any yelling between them. She don't think she can take all that noise right now.

''It seems like everyone was kidnapped is safe...'' Says Jack in relief and look over everyone. ''Hmm? But I don't see Vil-senpai... By the way, who is the grandpa? Why is he wearing a Pomefiore dorm uniform?''

''*Gasp* Jack-kun.'' Yelp Epel and get in front of Vil, to cover him. ''Grand... That word is banned for now.''

''What do you mean by old man? I am still 18 years old only... *Sob*'' Complain Vil and break into tears again.

''Eh. A-Are you Vil-senpai..?'' Yelp Jack shocked of the reveal of the dorm leader.

''CAN'T YOU TELL BY LOOKING?'' Yell Vil at the poor wolf.

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