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We arrive at the castle an immediatly someone storms to us. "Y/n oh my goodness, you're alright! I was so worried!" Hatter said after he ran up to me. He hugged me tightly. "Where have you been? We couldn't find you!" he said letting go off me. "Stayne kidnapped me when i was getting my stuff. You even walked into the cabin i was at! We were hiding under the bed." I explained and started to get mad at Stayne. "I have to get back up to the uplands, but i wanna stay here longer." Suddenly i feel a pain in my lowerback and start to feel tired. "I don't feel that good, is there a doctor in this castle?" i said holding my back. "he passed away a few months ago, but there's one nearby mcTwisp's house." Chessur said appearing and disappearing a few times in a row. "Yes! She's very good!" Hatter said excited. "Can we go there now, i don't think i can stay awake for much longer..." I said starting to feel more tired every second. "We'll go with horse and carriage, that's much faster!" McTwisp said as he suddenly comes out a bush.

After 20 minutes it was ready and we start riding at high speed towards mcTwisp's burrow. I see a lot of things on the way: Hatter's house, nice green oaktrees, a small village nearby the border and so much more. "Can we maybe go to that village some time?" I asked polite. "We can but not right now, there are some things going on there..." Hatter said a little disturbed. We finally arrive and it's a nice little white house. Outside some beautiful flowers with a sign: "mrs Cinnamon Silverfluff: available as a doctor" was on it. We knock on the door and a beautiful brown bunny in a cute pink dress stood at the door. She was about the size off McTwisp, had bright green eyes, her name was pretty suiting because her tail had a silver fluff. "A new human? Who did you bring this time Hatter?" She asked curiously. "This is y/n, a friend off Alice." Hatter said and pushed me a little forward. "Well what seems to be the problem dear?" She asked sweetly, twitching her nose. "Well, i have been tired a lot, a little sick, 1 time i threw up." I said starting to hold my back again. "Come in please." She said very serious. i follow her inside to a hospital bed. "Have you been having tummyache or backache?" she asked after she guided me to lay down. "More food cravings?" She asked grabbing a paper. I answered all her questions and she came to a conclusion. "Well...this can be bad or good news... How old are you actually?" She asked, she didn't ask that. "Well, i'm 19 years old." I replied and waited for her. "It looks like... You are pregnant! Congratulations!" she said happily. "Well who's the father?" I completely blacked out and started staring at nothing and burying my face into my hands.

I'm pregnant? This can't be true....

Sorry for not updating, i  have online lessons, it's really tiring and got homework too. i'll try to update more.                                                                                                                                                                    ~A/n

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