A new world for him

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At dinner I teached hatter what we all have in the uplands. Everyone else was shocked off what I said. They were really suprised about phone's, I wanted to show them but I didn't took it with me. It was nice that people listened to me. I missed that at home. I finished my story and went back to eating. After dinner hatter and me were packing, I took 2 nice dresses and the hat I made with hatter with me. Hatter took all his hatting stuff with him and some clothes. I decided to let hatter stay in my house, I could just lay a mattress on the floor. We were saying goodbye to everyone then the white queen showed up. "My servants made a ladder to the uplands for you to use." She said. "I'll miss you two." Chessur said while floating next to us. "We'll come back soon." Hatter said while hugging thackery and mallymkum.

We walked out off the castle to the ladder. We put are backpacks on are backs and started climbing, sometimes stopping because it was a long way up. We finally made it and we climbed out off the rabbit hole. I sat on the ground to rest up. I noticed that it was already dark. Hatter sat next to me when he sat down we saw a light coming are way. Through the trees we see a figure come towards us. I can finally see his face and it was NATHAN?! "Y/n?! Is that you?!" He said to me already hugging me. "Who is that weird guy?" Nathan asks as he points at hatter. "Thats Tarrant he gave me shelter." I said while resting my head against hatter's shoulder. "Come we need to get you home!" Nathan said helping me up. "Are you coming hatter?" I ask holding my hand out at him. He just grabbed my hand without a response. We walk silently home together. Nathan opens the door shouting: Mom! Dad! I found her!" My parents rushed to the door to see me and hatter standing there. They took me in there embrace crying and saying how worried they were. I pulled away grabbing hatters hand and pulling him inside. "Mom, dad this is Tarrant, he offered me a place to stay." I said and hatter smiling showing his tooth gap. "He looks a bit odd." Mom said looking him up and down. "He will be staying here for a while! He can't pay his rent anymore." I said making an excuse for him to stay. "I guess he can..." dad said still looking at him. "Thank you very much sir." Hatter said finally opening his mouth. "He'll stay in my room I'll lay down the mattress." I said walking up to my room, leaving hatter with my family. When I was making his bed I saw my parents leave for work, a night shift again. I put everything me and hatter brought in my drawers till I hear a large thump on the floor. I run down quickly, seeing a wounded hatter laying on the floor and Nathan all bruised almost falling. I run to hatter seeing his eyes were orange. "What did you do?" I ask Nathan with tears in my eyes. "He threatened me!" He said wiping some blood from under his nose. "I only threatened him, then he attacked me." Hatter said getting back up. My tears start falling out off my eyes seeing him hurt like this. "I did it because I remembered how I first saw you all bruised up..." hatter said hanging his head down. "It made me go mad....." hatter said, he had tears forming in his eyes. "Its okay, I would've done the same." I said and hugged him. "Why did you forgive him?! It was his fault!" Nathan shouts angry at me. I get up and say:"he did it to protect someone else not himself." As soon I said that he wanted to punch me. But hatter throws a pin at his arm making him scream in pain. I help hatter up and run quickly to my room locking the door. "We can't go out anymore or he'll hurt us." I said with a saddened face . "After a while he will be gone." Hatter said hopefully.

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