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It has been 3 hours and to make sure he wasn't standing there, I look through the lock. Nothing just pure darkness. I open the door seeing nobody standing there. I really had to go to the bathroom. I walk as quietly to the bathroom and lock the door. I do my thing and change into my pajamas quickly. I go back to my room seeing hatter already in his pajamas entirely white. Who would've thought? I lock the door just to be sure. I lay in bed hearing my brother scream in his mic. "Goodnight hatter." I said to hatter as he layed down on his mattress. "Sweet dreams, darling..."he said in a seductive way. I got flustered and could feel my cheeks burn. I quickly turn my back to him. After 2 hours I still couldn't sleep. My brother already went to sleep. And hatter was already sleeping. Hatter was sleeping on the mattress I sleep on when alice stayed a night, I always let alice sleep on my bed. I can hear fireworks being fired, drunk guys shouting, cars honking and the dog from the neighbors barking. If only I had my earplugs! But they were in brothers room he always steals them. After 30 minutes off thinking. I thought: I could lay next hatter, he wouldn't mind. I hesitate but get up from my bed and snuggle next to hatter.

As I breathed in his sweet scent, i immediately felt butterflies. I fall asleep quick and before I close my eyes I could here my parents pull up in the drive way.

Nathan POV

I wake up at 9 am. Immediately what happened yesterday flashed through my mind. I put on some clothes and go downstairs to get the key from y/n's room. I quickly checked if my parents already went to work. They're gone. I walk upstairs putting the key in the lock and turning it quietly. As I open the door I see an empty bed. I look down to encourage ter y/n sleeping with that Tarrant.... "what the heck?!" I said out loud accidentally making them wake up.


I wake hearing my brother speak. In panic immediately sit up. "Why are you two sleeping together?!" He asked with concern and anger in his eyes. "I couldn't sleep okay!" I said standing up and shutting the door. "Good morning..I think?" Hatter said rubbing his eyes. "Good morning...sorry about that." I said leaning against the door. "Sorry for what?" He asked confused standing up from his bed. "That my brother walked in on us, well me...." I said kinda down. "It's not your fault he walked in, you didn't know he was about to." He said trying to cheer me up. It cheered me up a bit but I still feel bad. I walked to the bathroom with a dress I borrowed from marmoreal and turned on the shower. After ten minutes off showering I put on the dress

I put on the hat me and hatter made and, walk to the dining room seeing my dad reading the newspaper, mom baking croissants and my brother glaring at hatter

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I put on the hat me and hatter made and, walk to the dining room seeing my dad reading the newspaper, mom baking croissants and my brother glaring at hatter. "What do you have on your head?" My dad said with a disgusted face. "Well I like it!" Mom said admiring the hat. "Me and Hatter made it." I said cheerfully. "Who's hatter?" Dad asked confused. "O yeah Tarrant, his friends call him hatter." I said explaining. "Where did you buy it?" Mom asked curiously. "It's handmade by us! That's why I call,him hatter." I said getting annoyed by mom touching my hat. I sit down next to hatter keeping a sharp eye on my brother. Then I heard ticking something on the glass.

(Sorry if the chapters are getting bad, I'm trying my best for you!)

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