A different POV

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Alice POV

I was still walking through forest after escaping from the guards, it made me real tired and now I'm looking for food. I sometimes found some berries but I'm pretty sure they aren't good for you. So i left them alone, i did find a water source and strawberries on my way. I'm pretty sure I'll be banned if they find me, I have to go deeper. I just lost the rest i had, I can't see my family, my underland friends hate me and i lost my home. "I wish i stayed home." I said a tear escaping my eye. "So you're back?" A really familair evil voice said. "Stay away from me!" I said and grabbed a branch. "Don't be scared, I don't bite..." he carefully grabbed the branch. "I could've killed you back then..." Stayne said and grabbed my chin. "You couldn't." I said trying to stay calm.

"I could've pierced you with my sword, but didn't." He said while i tried removing his hand from my chin. "You're also the reason The red queen got banned again, you're worse than your great grandma..." He held my chin tighter and grabbed my wrist. "You're much like her." "What do you want from me!" I yelled trying to release myself. "Your help, I will help you survive for that." He shushed me quickly. "Don't yell we're close to the castle." He whispered looking around for white warriors. "I have a cabin deep in the woods, you can stay there."  I agreed and we quietly walked to the cabin, it was getting dark when we arrived. "Why do you want my help?" I asked while sitting down on a chair. "Get revenge on Underland and Y/n, I kidnapped her once." He mentoined proudly. "She derserved it." I said cold, she caused this. "I heard all about it.. I heard Mirana and one of her idiotic friends talk about it." Stayne said grabbing some fruit. "You're horrible you know? That's what i like about you...." He said gave me some fruit and patted me on the head. "So what do we do?" I asked curiously. "Hold Y/n hostage and rule over the kingdom." He chuckled but easier said than done. "Did you know she was pregnant? I spied a lot on everyone so i know everything." I looked at him shocked, but confused at the same time. "Who's the father?!" I asked concerned. "That hatter guy, I couldn't sleep because of them." My heart broke when i heard that hatter was the father. It can't be, I thought he loved me! Times change, now it's my time. "Are you sure? She's pregnant...." I said getting sad. "You and hatter were in love, am i right?" Stayne asked sitting down too. "We were...." I looked very down, Y/n probably didn't know. But of all the people her?! This makes me hate her even more, I DESERVE HIM. All my guilt disappeared and me and Stayne made a plan. "But let's wait till she gave birth, then she's weak and I don't want the blood of a child on my hands." I said still sad about how Hatter betrayed me. "Leave the child alone, it doesn't deserve it."

Y/n POV~ In the 9th month of her pregnancy

I jumped down the rabbit hole with all my stuff i needed for the birth. I walked into wonderland and knocked on Hatter's door. "Y/n! How is it going? Is the baby alright?" He asked when he opened the door. "Yes! And i know what it's gonna be!" I said excited. "What do you think it is?" I asked Hatter to see if he would guess right. "Hmmmm..... A girl?" He guessed excited. "Yes! we're having a baby girl!" I cried happily hugging Hatter. "How did you know?" Hatter asked curiously. "We can find out in the uplands!" I explained to him, he looked rather confused. "Are we gonna tell everyone?" Hatter asked, this man is always excited. "Ofcourse! I should be due in three weeks, on 12 july." I was excited, I can't wait to see my first child! We gathered everyone together and we told everyone proudly. I got congratulated by everyone, Bayard gave me a paw it was really cute! The other shaked my hand or hugged me. "Y/n can you come with me for a second?" The white queen asked, it sounded urgent so i went with her. "What do you want to tell me?" I asked confused. "Alice is roaming free in underland, she escaped while the guards braught her to the ladder." The queen said worried. "I'm scared that she's planning something, so i want you to always have someone to watch you." "Alice escaped? That she even came here in the first place..." I said concerned. "One of my guards will always watch you, day and night." The queen said, I'm really uncomfortable with it. Just the fact someone is always staring and protecting me even though i don't know what they look like. 

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