Home sweet home

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We arrive at marmoreal after twenty minutes off walking. "It's tea time so it's the perfect moment to surprise them." Hatter whispered standing in front off the door from the dining room. "3....2....1" I whispered and opened the door. "Suprise!" We shouted and everyone was suprised off seeing us. "I said they'll come back!" Tweedledum said to tweedeldee. "No I said that!" Tweedeldee said nudging him. "It's that girl again!" Thackery shouted pointing at me. They all runned towards us giving us a hug. "Take a seat and tell us about the uplands!" Mirana said pointing everyone back to there seats. We all sat down and hatter started talking. "They has a place called Macdonald café and they had really nice food and drinks." Hatter said already thinking about my caramel latte. "They do have weird ways off keeping animals!" Mally said. "They put me in a cage and don't give us cups, but containers that are hung up!" Mally said describing everything in her cage. I showed everyone the pictures I took and they were amazed. "So that's a tv?" Mirana said expecting something else. "Thackery did you know we made your delicious soup?" I asked looking at thackery. "Did you forget my secret ingredient?!" He asked twitching. "Of course not, and it's not really secret..." hatter said giggling. "Everyone knows you put tea in it. Gives a special taste." Bayard said drooling. "My family was only shocked about the tea but did like it." I said me and hatter breaking out in laughter. "You should've seen there faces." Hatter said thinking back about it. "I would love to go with you." Mirana said with a graceful expression. "You can! The only one's who can't go are mctwisp, the tweedels and thackery. I'm sorry guys....." I said getting kinda sad. "It's just some off you my parents wouldn't accept, well almost no one...." I said sad. "It's okay, it awesome already hearing about it." Tweedeldee said trying to cheer me up. "Thats right,But I did already see it searching for Alice." Mctwisp said. When hatter heard Alice he got kinda down. "She hasn't visited us in a long time. She would visit almost every day...." hatter said tears forming in his eyes. "maybe she forgot about us." Hatter said tears falling from his eyes. "She won't forget you! Especially not you!" I said wiping his tears away with my thumb. "I know her and she wouldn't forget you!" I said trying to cheer him up. "You're right! She wouldn't forget!" Hatter said his tears fading away.
"But I don't know how to tell her I came here." I said getting nervous cause I she only has eight days vacation. But she'll have expedition after her vacation. She'll go all the way to Canada! Who knows how long that will last. She'll go with the ship off her grandmother "the wonder" I would love to see that ship! We all finished our tea and went to think off something to do. "How about reverse hide and seek?" I suggest. "What may that be?" Chessur asked curiously. "It's like hide and seek but one hides and the others have to find him or her." I explained. "It's hide and seek but the roles are switched? I'm in!" Mally said excited. "We'll do rounds with and without moving. And chessur you cant dissapear!" I said looking strictly at chessur. "We can only hide inside the castle." Mirana said looking at everyone to see if they agreed. We all agreed and started playing. Bayard went first and the rest off us started counting to hundred. "97...98...99....100! We're coming!" I shout through the castle. We all started searching. After a good fifteen minutes we found bayard posing like a statue. We played the whole time. Sometimes it was unfair in the moving rounds because mally is so small. I'm still suprised chessur didn't vanish. Thackery and hatter stopped earlier because they were going to cook food. It was finally dinner time and we all sat around the table. Shortly after the maids and butlers came out with the food and set it on the table. They made a nice looking salad for queen, no living creatures harmed! And we got pork also with salad. We all ate at the table, we were hungry off all the hide and seek. We didn't really discuss things, i only heard the tweedels fighting about something again. I couldn't really hear about what. She just kept saying he is and he isn't. But I don't worry about it.

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