Another chance

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After dinner I decided to take a walk through the forest alone. Just to think about everything. I walk through the forest following the path. Then sun didn't go down yet and I could manage to see. Not too deep into the forest I sit down under a tree next to the path. It was a beautiful tree with nice blue leaves that would sometimes fall down. Did my parents or Nathan find the note yet? Will my family accept me and hatter? I am 19, I'm an adult! I don't have to ask permission for everything anymore! He is the one I love and want to stay with. All those men up there are the same.... there's no one like him. I just started talking out loud because no one was around. I'll do everything for him! Even if that means..... I stop talking. I feel someone around me, I feel being watched.... "come out where ever you are!" I shout standing up.
"Your not Alice, right?" I hear a unknown voice come out from behind me. I turned around seeing a man standing there. Black hair, tall like 7'6 feet, damaged armor and a heart over his eye. "Who are you!" I shouted ready to fight. "No, who are you, you aren't from here." He said with a soothing voice. "Well im y/n and I'm from the uplands, a friend of Alice." I said calmly not wanting to make enemies here. "Alice? Where is she?" He asked taking of his damaged gloves. "She's in the uplands, but who are you?" I asked him a little concerned. "I'm stayne, a ex-guard off the red queen." He said walking towards me. "Would you like to go with me to marmoreal?" I asked him. I could see he is in a bad condition, he's weak. "I would love to!" He said already starting to walk. I quickly walk after him, he was pretty fast for his condition. He's really tall he towers above me. "So what happenend to you?" I asked him while walking the way to marmoreal. "I was banned with the red queen I managed to escape her." He said getting intens. "I had to fall from a window to escape her, I did land in water but I was pretty high up." He said continuing. "That's bad to hear, but now your here safely!" I said trying to cheer him up. "We're almost at the castle, hopefully the queen isn't mad." I think to myself. Just two miles and we're there. We finally arrived at the castle and we went into the castle. "She's ba- stayne?!" I hear tweedeldee say. Everyonenrushed in immediately. "Why did you bring him here?" Mirana asked trying to stay sweet. "He was in a bad condition and I wanted to help!" I said looking down a bit. "Please help him!" I said trying to help. "It will be against my vows to hurt a living thing, including letting it die." She continued getting a little concerned. "He'll get a second chance, just one or he'll be send back!" Mirana said making the decision final. "I thought you died?" Hatter said coming in. "It was a skeleton remake from things I found, to escape." Stayne explained making it clear. "How about my maids get you some clothes." Mirana said trying to forgive him. She gracefully claps her hands and two maids come and take him upstairs. Everyone left but hatter. "The next you go for a walk, take me with you..." he said looking me in the eyes then walking away. "I heard what you said back there." I hear chessur whispering in my ear. "Y-you wont tell anyone right?" I yelled in a whisper turning to him. "O I won't, I like that about you... a yandere..." he whispered with a wide grin across his face. (if you don't know what a yandere is search it up) "so I won't be a snitch, nobody likes snitches..." he said dissapearing, I only see him in the distance going outside.

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