Impressed but shocked

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We arrive home with the food. From outside I could hear my brother playing games. I put the food on the dining table and sit down. "It's really hot in your pocket!" Mally said jumping out off hatter's pocket.
"These are weird cups for tea." Hatter said while looking at his drink. "It even has a straw, but a boring design!" He said sipping a bit off it. "Here mally." hatter said giving the straw to mally. I take a bite off a macaron "what is that?" Mally asked pointing at my macaron. "It's a macaron, a cookie I guess." I said as I break a part off. I give it to hatter, and he gives a bit to mally. "This is nice! Bring thackery a recipe off this!" Hatter said enjoying the taste. "It is really good!" Mally said amazed. "Can I try your drink too?" Hatter asked curiously looking at my latte. "Sure I had it a lot off times!" I said shoving the drink to him. "I'm not trying that!" Mally said disgusted. "I'm just gonna nibble on the croissant." She said.
"What is in this thing?!" Hatter exclaimed as he drinks half off my drink. "We should To the uplands more hatter!" Mally said enjoying the croissant. "We could bring mirana next time!" Hatter said drinking his tea. "Who is mirana?" Nathan asked standing in the dining room. "A friend off Tarrant!" I said quickly. I wonder why he asks so much since hatter was here. "She's super sweet." Hatter said while giving mally some tea. "Did That mouse just drink tea?" Nathan asked confused. "Umm no?" I said with doubt in my voice. "We're back!" My mom said coming into the dining room. "Ooo macarons!" Dad said walking towards the table. He grabbed one and put it in his mouth. "Dad! It were just three macarons!" I said giggling while he was chewing. "Your lucky I don't like them." Mom said taking a yogurt from the fridge. "Mom!! I wanted the last one!" Nathan said irritated as mom took a spoon off it. He walked up the stairs mumbling. "What's for dinner mom?" I asked looking in the fridge. "A salad and some chicken." Mom said taking off her jacket. "Again? Can't we eat macaroni!" I said shutting the fridge. "How about i make a soup thackery makes?" Hatter suggests. "What's in the soup?" Mom asked curious. "Some tomatoes, carrots. A traditional meal!" Hatter said smiling showing his tooth gap. "It's delicious, can he make it?" I asked with puppy eyes.
"Of course!" Mom said wondering what it would taste like. "Are you sure?" Dad asked hatter. He nodded.
I think he's scared off my dad. He doesn't really speak him. "We should start y/n, it takes time to make." Hatter said grabbing the most random things out off the fridge. Strawberries, cheese,eggs cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. some weird combinations. I grab a big bowl And hatter starts filling a kwartier off it with water."how about you slice the tomatoes and carrots. I'll do the hard things." Hatter said  searching form something. "Do you guys have knives and graters?" He asked me still searching. "In That drawer and the left cabinet." I said pointing at them. He grabs some knives and a graters. And starts removing the crowns off the strawberrries. He I just went and chopped up the tomatoes and carrots. I looked at hatter seeing him grate strawberries. Kinda strange but it works for him. He washes the strawberry bits and puts them in a bowl he found. After 45 minutes the hatter was stirring the soup. "I feel like I'm forgetting something....." he said putting the last egg yoke in. "He could I forget!" He said face palming. "Where are the tea bags?" He asked. "In the topright cabinet." I said stirring the soup. It smelled delicious! Hatter got a cup and filled it with hot water. He dipped in the tea bag till the tea became a very dark color. He adds some sugar and added it to the soup. Now I remember the smell! Thackery's soup of course it has tea in it! We stirred for five minutes adding a little bit off the left over strawberries. "Done! Only to taste it." Hatter said grabbing two spoons from the drawer. We both take a bit, blow and taste. I was delicious! Tasted just like Thackery's soup at marmoreal. We washed up and made the table. "Dinners ready!" I shouted. My parent came running in. "Its smells so good!" My dad said smelling the scent. "It does have a secret ingredient!" Hatter giggles. Nathan came down the stairs. "What's for dinner?" He asked stretching in the doorframe. "Soup made by hatter and me!" I said scooping some up for everyone. "What's the secret ingredient?" My mom asked curious. She's really nosy a lot off the time. "We'll tell you after." Hatter said sitting down. Everyone sat down and smelled the soup. They tasted it and.... "what is in this!" Dad asked amazed eating more. "Is this recipe online?" My mom asked hatter. "Nope it's a tradition from My homeland!" Hatter said already finishing his soup. "Not gonna lie, it's good." Nathan said scooping up some more.
"I'm impressed!" My mom said. "That you know this recipe by heart." Mom said scooping up more. I finished my soup and wanted to scoop up some more but it was EMPTY already. "This is from a friend I'll always treasure!" Hatter said with a hand on his heart. Suddenly I hear squeaking. Shit! I forgot about mally! I picked her up and put her on my shoulder. "Thank you for cooking for us Tarrant. I appreciate it." My dad said patting hatter on the back. "T-Thank you s-sir!" Hatter said kinda scared. You could hear his lisp coming through. "What was the secret ingredient?" My mom asked curious. "It was tea with sugar!" Hatter said proud off himself. Their jaws dropped, me and hatter bursting into laughter. "If Thackery saw this!" Hatter laughed. My parents left and Nathan went shocked upstair. We cleared the table and let mally eat all off the leftovers. "That was some Nice soup!" Mally said while no one was around. I went upstairs and put mally in her cage. "We're going to wash you tommorow!" I said closing her cage and filling her tank up with water. She was kinda disappointed there was no tea but just drank it.

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