LAST CHAPTER! (extra long)

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Alice POV

"Ugh, why did Mirana have to be so anxious!" I sighed while banging my fist on the table. "They escaped!"  "How about you just go to the uplands again?" Stayne said while laying on the bed. "I could but I'll get caught," I said and gazed out of a fogged window. "Just do it! You'll get to get your revenge!" Stayne laughed evilly. "I guess, but I'll have to go now!" I said I don't want to leave Stayne! He's so nice and helped me, but I still love Hatter, to be honest... "Then pack your bags and go! The sun is almost rising!" Stayne whined, he really wanted to get revenge. "Okay, Okay. I'll pack quickly." I said and packed my bags. I could see the tip of the sun when it stepped outside. I started running and running to get to the ladder. The orange-reddish sun was slowly rising but I got to the ladder in time and started to climb. The ladder was starting to rot, the strings were getting thinner and the wood was decaying. But I had to, it was the fastest way, I had no time to run to the other exit. I felt myself getting exhausted from running and climbing. I kept climbing and when I was out of sight, I took a breather. I looked down and saw the fluffy clouds beneath me, how bad I wanted to jump on them. I started climbing again and reached the top. "Finally..." I sighed and rolled onto the grass, it was midday. "I'll head home, for now. The forest is boring, plus I NEED my phone." I thought and started walking home.

HUGE TIMESKIP- Eloise is now 6 and can walk and talk.

Eloise POV

"Sweety I, we have to tell you a secret..." My mom said, she looked a little nervous. Daddy also sat on the couch with us. "You have to tell me! I won't tell! Even not to Rea!" I said excited, Rea is my best friend. "Maybe you won't get this but we're moving away..." Mummy said but she sounded slightly excited. "No! I can't leave Rea! I'll see her right? And what about Grandma and Grandpa?! They'll be alone!" I said sadly. "Yes yes! You'll see everyone! not very often though, we're going to a secret place. The place Daddy is from!" Mummy explained, Daddy wasn't saying anything... Maybe it's hard for him.  "What is the secret place?" I asked curiously. "Just wait and see..." Daddy said. "Hatter, When we're leaving I'll be later. I have to say goodbye." Mummy said I tilted my head confused cause she didn't say who. "Who?" I asked, did I know them? "To Felix, you know your babysitter when grandma and grandpa couldn't do that. " Mummy said, Felix is one of my favorite people in the world! But Mummy, daddy, Uncle Nathan, auntie Sam and grandma and grandpa of course! I actually like them more than Rea, but that's because we have been best friends for not a long time. "We're leaving tonight, how about you pack your bags, I already did mine and Eloise's." My Daddy said to Mummy.


"I'll do that after I say goodbye I'll come too. Wait at the tree please!" I said and went upstairs. I started packing, I put all my clothes in a big bag. I checked if Hatter forgot some things and he had grabbed all Eloise's stuff. I put everything that I needed in my bag and put them with the other stuff we'll take with us.

Time skip~ It was getting dark.

"Bye grandma! Bye Grandpa! I'll miss you!" My daughter said and hugged my parents. "Still not telling us where you're moving?" They asked me curiously. "Sorry no, this has to remain secret." I responded kinda irritated. "Bye Uncle Nathan!" Eloise said and hugged Nathan too. "Come on honey we have to go." Hatter said while softly grabbing her hand. "Okay..." She said and they walked away with their bags. "Bye mom and dad!" I said and hugged them. "Please be safe..." My mom said while tightly hugging me. Only Felix is left... "Goodbye!" They said and I left the house with my bag. I had been to Felix before so I know the way. I walked in the moonlight and the lanterns were kinda dimmed. They probably need new batteries. I was almost there and I started to feel watched. I had shivers down my spine but I kept walking. I heard footsteps behind me, I started walking faster but the footsteps started getting more pace. I didn't look back, if I make Felix's house I'll be safe. I started running but my bag slowed me down. The footsteps got more pace and I got pulled away. There was a dark alleyway with barely any light. I tried to scream but the person covered my mouth with their hand. I tried to look who it was but it was too dark. Everyone was sleeping and there was no bit of light out of any of the windows. We stopped at what looked like a dumpster, it smelled very bad and was rotting. "This is what you get when you're in my way.." A voice said and a knife got jabbed multiple times in my body. I screamed in pain and i stopped when i blacked out.

Third-person POV

Y/n was getting stabbed many times and eventually fell dead on the floor. The murderer dumped her body in the garbage and fled the scene... A family living nearby heard the screams and went to investigate. They found her lifeless body in the dumpster with blood still leaking out of her body. The ambulance and police arrived, the ambulance brought y/n to the hospital and the police investigated the scene. No evidence was found and she wasn't able to be saved.

"Hello, is this Mrs. L/n?" A doctor asked on the phone. "It is, who is this?" Mrs. L/n asked confused. "This is David from the Green hospital. We have concerning news..." Doctor David answered. "Your daughter, Y/n Was found dead. She was stabbed multiple times and we couldn't save her." He said and he heard Mrs. L/n breaking down on the phone. "I'm sorry for your loss.." The doctor said concerned. "Can I still see my daughter?!" She asked while her voice was trembling. "Of course, do you know the address?" The doctor asked. "Y-yes." The doctor heard background noises but ignored them. Hatter and Eloise came back and were both crying their hearts out. Y/n's parents, hatter, Eloise, and Nathan with his wife arrived. They looked at her lifeless body and spoke with the police. "Is really no evidence? No DNA on her body?" Mr. L/n asked devastated. "They didn't do that yet, they will soon." A police officer said. 

After several months of investigating they found: Dna, fingerprints on a knife and a suspect where it matches. Even though there's proof they did it she still has to go to court. "So mr. Jones, how do you wanna defend your cliënt?" The Judge asked. "My cliënt wouldn't do such a thing. He is pure and innocent. I have proof he didn't do it!" His lawyer said. "But there is literal proof he did it! Why don't you just give him a sentence!" Mr. L/n said mad and frustrated. "Everyone gets a trial." The judge said. "My proof is in words, my client could've been framed!" The lawyer said, he even sounded trustworthy. "Maybe the knife got put in his hands by someone! You can't know! So i demand more investagation." He said, mr. L/n couldn't keep it anymore. "Your DNA is litterally on her body! How can you explain that?!" He shouted mad. "Silence! I've made my choice!" The judge said. "10 years sentence, but the police will still investigate! Guilty!" He shouted and slamming his little hammer. 

Hatter POV

Bruce davidson finally got his sentence, he was a friend of Felix and wanted him all for himself. Eloise wasn't at the court she stayed with Nathan and his wife. Bruce also had a criminal record of once before getting caught almost commiting a murder, He had 6 months jail. Now I can finally go back to Underland and show Eloise all the wonders. Watching her grow up will be hard, maybe she'll run away... Eventually i have to let her go...

SO that was the end of the fanfiction! I really enjoyed making these and hopefully uou reading these! I'll be working on Lord of the rings oneshots if you're interested! Thank you for reading, liking and waiting patiëntly for new chapters! Almost 25 k reads and almost 750 votes, I'm REALLY thankfull!!!! Love y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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