Looking back at the old times

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He seems to be on to me. But he said he liked it so..... I'm safe? Well enough off that, I should check on stayne. I walk upstairs and ask the maids where his room is. I got directions and walk over to his room.
I knock on the door in complete silence. Then the door opens "Y/n? What brings you here?" He said standing in the doorframe, in a white outfit. "I just wanted to check on you!" I said making him smile lightly. "Well come on in." He said as gestures me inside his room.

Hatter POV

What is she doing?! He was one off the biggest threats! And just assuming he changed....because off him me and mally were almost dead! He listened to the red queen and he costed a lot of people there lives!
He won't get away with this.. I'll take my sweet revenge! I looked around the corner seeing y/n walk out off his room. "Who are you spying on?" I heard in my ear. Chessur! "No one!" I whispered turning around.
"O on y/n I see..." he said floating around. "You might want to look..." he said disappearing. I look around around the corner seeing stayne kissing her hand and going inside his room again. Wait what? He kissed her?! But it was just her hand! That's just kindness... or not? Y/n wont fall in love right? NO! She loves me! She wouldn't do that to me in that way! Would she? I gotta stop overthinking everything! I walk of to my room trying to hold in my anger.


Stayne is pretty nice! He said the funniest things and told the hardest riddles. It was nice talking with him, maybe better then Alice....she always goes on her phone and doesn't say a word to me. She changed after highschool. She hangs more with other friends and she calls a other girl her bff. I don't even know if she likes me anymore. I do have more friends here so I should stay here a long time. It's also better! No distractions from phones and TVs. They all live so close to each other that you don't need phones! There are no bullies, only some enemies. I walk to the garden going to sit in the grass. "Do you like it here?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Ofcourse your highness." I said while mirana sits next to me. "I still am trying to process that your brang stayne here." She said looking at me still a little disappointed. "I know but he was hurt and seems nice!" I said still having his back. "He gets one second chance..." she repeated, it made me sad seeing her like that. "I need to go, goodbye." She said and walked off gracefully. I stand up and walk inside. I immediately encounter hatter. "Hey hatter!" I said and waved at him. "O so there you are!" He said walking over to me. "Want to make hats again sometime?" He asked taking off his hat and putting it on my head. "I would love! Can we do that now?" I asked eager to make hats. He took my hand and we walked together to his room. "What kind of hat?" He asked going through his designs. "Can we make a top hat again?" I asked with puppy eyes.
"How can I say no to those eyes." He laughed and closed his book. We started crafting and we made a beautiful hat. We hang it up above his bed next to his favorite hat designs on the wall. It was already 10 pm and we were still talking. "Do you mind if I sleep here? I'm too tired to walk to my room." I said falling backwards on the bed. "Ye- sure, I'll go get your pajamas." He said walking out off the room. After just some minutes he comes back and hand me my pajamas. "Thanks hatter!" I said walking to his bathroom. I closed the door, I'm pretty insecure about my body and don't like people seeing it. Hatter is my one and only but I'm still uncomfortable with it

"Come on y/n! Put away that towel you're hot!" Alice said pulling my towel. "I think I'll go home, I'll just set up a pool in the backyard!" I said holding my towel tightly. "Don't be so lame! Your not naked or anything! I am wearing an revealing bikini, you just a bathing suit!" She said pulling my towel off me. "Seems like you are hot." A boy around my age said winking at me. "See! You are now jump in!" Alice said pulling me to the edge. She pushed me in the pool and jumped after shortly after. "This feels Nice on a hot summer day!" I said after coming up to the surface. "Don't be such a coward next time okay?" Alice asked with a laugh in her voice. "I'm not so sure about that." I said awkwardly and going underwater.

I smile back at the good times but I remember the bad times too.


"Hey Alice!" I said running to her and hugging her. "Who are you!?" She said pushing me away. "Who are these people?" I asked confused. "My friends but I don't even know you! Why are you asking me?!" She said with a angered tone. "You can be such a bitch!" I said shouting at her. "Hey stop yelling at my bff!"
A girl from the group said angry. "I don't even know you but you are and look like a bitch!" Alice shouted at me making me furious. "Stop your act and stop lying!" I yelled at her holding back my tears. Then I saw her kick my leg she knew that was weak. I fell to the ground in pain. She kicked me one last time and walked off laughing with her friends.

Why do I always forgive her? She won't get away with it next time! I have to put my mind off of her! I reach for my back to unbutton the dress. I unbutton the first three but can't reach the last two! I try every way I could think off. But I fail everytime I guess I have to call hatter, this will be awkward.

WARNING: the next chapter is a SMUT but you can skip it but do remember! It will take time because it's my first (I repeat that a lot😐) . I think it's gonna be bad but it could be good off the chance of 1 procent.
I just wanted to say that, bye!

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