Just tired

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I stand in hatter's bedroom tired from running through the forest, trying to escape Stayne. I still have to process what happened. Does He love me or does he just hate hatter? I don't know! The fact he almost kissed me with those dry lips. He is kinda handsome though.... WHAT AM I THINKING! Hatter is my soulmate and no one can change that and that's final! I change into my pajamas before hatter finished bathing. I lie down on the bed and sigh. Just 4 days and Alice returns.... I really don't want to leave! Hatter walks in and Lies down on the bed. "You look tired you should go to bed." He said getting under the covers.
"Your right." I said and also got under the covers. "Goodnight...h-" I said I was cut off by falling asleep. Before I was fully asleep I could feel him give me a kiss on the forehead.

The next morning as I wake up I look at my phone and see notification from an app. It was my period app!
It should've been the day before yesterday. I count the weeks after and yep four weeks. This app is never wrong! I think it just a fault in the system, I'm in underland after all. I just shrug it off and walk to the bathroom. I fully undress and put my pajamas in a basket with other clothes in it. I turn on the tub and it starts filling up. I add some soap and in a little time I got a nice warm bubble bath! I am about to go in the tub, but I have a weird feeling. It's probably nothing and I hop in the tub. I lay down and relax in the warm water. After thirty minutes off bathing I step out and start drying myself off. I got that weird feeling again, but it's mixed with nausea. Thackery probably messed with a recipe again. I start drying my hair and eventually put it up in a ponytail. My body was almost dry i just dry myself off one more time. I was putting on my Bra and the weird feeling still didn't go away. I start gagging and run to the toilet. I threw up! I never do that! Only when I am stressed, but I was relaxed! I just came out off the bath! I stood there five minutes throwing up. "Y/n! Are you okay?" I hear as hatter comes into the bathroom. I finally stop and still feel weird.
"I feel weird! Did Thackery do something to the food yesterday?"" I asked hatter while drinking some tap water. "No, he just did what he normally did." He said concerned. "Maybe you're just tired." "I'll try to sleep I guess." I said putting my pajamas back on.

Sorry if it's short, I have no ideas, if you have a idea comment please💓💓☺️

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