'Old' friends

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Three months has passed without Alice and without Underland, i really miss Alice. Sometimes i would see her walking past my house, alone. Usually she walked with friends, but everytime i saw her walk past she was alone, wearing hoodies with her hood up, hands in her pockets and glancing at my house. I don't know what happened to her, i blocked her on everything. I also don't want to know, but i'm kinda curious at the same time. It looks kinda sad how she is walking past my house, trying to hide her face and look away from the house. I would almost feel guilty but don't, after everything she had done to me. I rarely saw her walk past, I didn't see her anywhere. Where did everything go wrong? Is it something i did or she did? Maybe we just had to grow up without each other. I told my parents i was pregant a month ago, they were disappointed but happy at the same time. They only didn't knew who the father was, Nathan did he gave me 'the look' so i knew he knew. My parents kept asking and asking but i didn't respond. In the last months i hanged out with Felix, we catched up because we didn't see each other for a while. We parted for a time without knowing, I keep switching between worlds. I have to decide one day where i want to spend the rest of my life, underland or earth? Felix was coming over today, my parents were going to meet him for the first time. The doorbell rang, I heard my mom opening the door and talking with Felix. I kind of forgot about him, just everything that happened caught all my attention. That movie night with hatter with him still gives me the chills, maybe he was just joking around. "Y/n your friend is here!" My mother yelled from downstairs. I came running down the stairs. We greeted each other and he already introduced himself to my parents. We went upstairs together, this was the second time he came over, usually we face-timed or went to get ice cream or something. "I'm so lucky i have a friend like you!" I said gratefully. "Me too, where did your mouse go?" He asked checking out the cage. "She escaped sadly, maybe she'll come back.." I said with a fake faint smile. I can't let him know about underland, my cover will be blown. He has a loud, explosive personality so things sometimes slip out of his mouth. But he is sweet too, he is the opposite of Alice. She was quiet and wasn't always that nice to me. Maybe it's better to not be friends with that type of people, she is probably spreading all my secrets i told her. Atleast we had a good friendship for 14 years, from 5 to 19. I never thought i would lose her back then, but now i did. "Did you hear anything from Alice?" Felix asked, he was really curious about it. "I blocked her, so no." I said careless. "Can't believe after that long you parted from each other, maybe it's for the better." He said sighing. "I have you though! What would i do without you?" I cheered myself up, it is what it is. "I don't know what i would do too." he chuckled. "Are you still not going to tell me who the father of your child is?" Felix asked it a lot, he ia really curious. I kept quiet and he was staring blankly at me. "I think i know now." He said and sighed. "What do you think it's gonna be?" I asked him changing the mood. "I think a girl and you?" He was happy all of a sudden. "I don't know! but i'll find out soon!" I said excited, i'm happy as long as it's healthy! 

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