Meeting Alice

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I knocked awkwardly on the door, waiting for someone to open it. Alice her mother opens the door, "Oh my goodness! You're still alive!" She said and signalling me to come in. "She's upstairs, go see her." I walk up the narrow stairs up to her door. I opened the door and overheard her concersation on the phone. "I bet she blocked me! My texts won't come through!" Alice said to a friend on her phone. "Good thing you have me, i would never block you!" Her friend said, it was Caroline. "You're so much better." Alice chuckled. "She really thinks i'm her friend!" Alice sat with her back towards me so i could listen to the whole conversation. "You better end your friendship soon."  Caroline said. "But i'm her only friend-" Alice said guilty. "Who cares? She doesn't deserve you." Caroline said irritated. "Can't she make friends or something? Or is she that pathetic!" She laughed, Alice sadly chuckled. "I've known her for years, I can't just throw her by the trash." "Isn't that where she belongs!" Caroline sounded like she was almost crying of laughter, she started hyperventilating. I silently walked up to her, without her noticing. Alice was listening to what Caroline had to say about me. I expected it from her, she was acting so distant.  I wanted to choke her, but i couldn't. She was my bestfriend, i'll confront her for now. "It's true." Alice said after the speech Caroline gave about me. "O is it?" I said standing behind her. She froze, Caroline hung up. "How could you do this to me?!" I yelled and she stood up and turned around. "Well- I.. Because.... How do i say this?" Alice stuttered full of guilt and sadness. "I don't know..." She said eventually. "You don't know!? After all we've been through together!" I said angrily. Alice walked up to me. "I'm sorry!" She went for a hug, I pushed her away. "That trick won't work anymore! I know the truth!" "I'm not the one that blocked you!" Alice said getting mad. "I didn't have signal!" I yelled, should i tell her? "Where were you then? I still don't know!" Alice asked. "Where do you think i was?" I smirked. "What do you mean?" Alice asked confused. "A place with no signal, a place where i disapear from earth." I made it easy for her, but she sometimes is like Karen Smith from Mean girls. "I still don't know what you are talking about!" "THE place, you've been there too!" I whispered so her mom couldn't hear me yelling. She was probably listening to us. Alice went quiet, she was shocked. "Wait? Did you follow me?!" She whispered angrily. I nodded, her shocked face turned into a very angry face. "I don't need you anymore! And they don't need you!" I yelled, I'll never forgive her! "No they don't need you!" She said and slapped me, she went in for another one but i grabbed her hand. "Let go!" She tried to get out off my grip. I never used my strength for something, I never used it. Gym at school really gave me muscles, but no one ever noticed. "Weren't you weak?" Alice said still trying to get out of my grip. She was pulling with all her weight, still struggling. I let go off her wrist and she fell on the ground, I chuckled at how she hit her head on the ground.  I was always scared to use my strength because a lot of people find it unusual that a woman is strong, for some reason. Alice was groaning on the ground holding her head. "What's going on in here?" Her mom came into the room and saw Alice. "Oh my goodness sweetheart!!" She said and immediatly kneeled next to her. She looked up at me, she was angry. "Get out of my house! I don't ever want to see you together again!" She shouted mad, Alice was smirking but kept the act she always had. "Good because your hell of a daughter won't ever see me again!" I yelled, this was the first time i yelled at the sweet woman. She was always kind to me and treated me as her own daughter. I ran out of the house, back to my own house.

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