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I start to look around what way to go. "Do you know the way?" I ask hatter worried. "usually I don't run so far...." he said as he started looking around. "How about we go this way." Hatter said pointing to the left. "We should start walking, maybe we get there before it's dark." I said. We started walking silently. "So how do you make hats in the uplands?" Hatter asks curiously. "We make them with machines, they do the work for us." I said explaining. "Why would they do that, making hats by hand is more fun and personal!" He said dissapointed. After hours of walking we still were walking and talking. "It's getting dark maybe we should stop before one of us get hurt." I said while stopping. "We should go to sleep I'm pretty tired!" Hatter exclaims as he takes off his jacket. "Wear this, you should have it cold." Hatter said as he gave you his jacket. Leaving him in his white shirt, he looked really attractive.... we crawled together under a tree. "Goodnight hatter." I said with a sleepy voice. "Sweet dreams y/n." Hatter said with a soothing voice. We both drifted to sleep in the moonlight.

Nathan POV.

I lay on my bed thinking where y/n could be. She has been gone almost three days.I should go searching for her tommorow. I don't care there is a gaming event anymore. My sister is more important. She dissapeared after she said goodbye to Alice. I'll just go to sleep I have to search tommorow!

The next morning

I wake up in the sunlight with hatter to my side. I shake him till he wakes up. "Wake up sleepy head!" I said laughing as he rubs his eyes. "We should start walking again!" Hatter says energetic as he jumps up. We walk further singing twinkle twinkle little bat and many other songs. About 2 hours later we see a path with some signpost they say:<——salazam gram Marmoreal ——>. "Hatter whats Salazam gram?" I ask confused, he never told me about it. "It's the castle off the red queen, but she's banned from underland." He said while walking the marmoreal way. "We should be walking just a hour from here." Hatter said changing the subject. "I almost forgot here your Jacket back." I said while slipping his jacket off of my schoulders and giving it back. I was kinda sad, I like the way he looked in a white shirt.. it makes my heart skip a beat.

Nathan POV

"Hello have you seen a girl with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes?" I ask a man walking on the side walk. "You mean that girl from number 50?" He asks. "Yes did you see her!?" I ask worried. She went into the woods three days ago about a block from here." He says. "Thank you very much sir!"I quickly say and run to the woods. When I am by the woods I gasp for air, for the long way I ran. When I catcher some air I went into the woods looking in trees, behind bushes, in abandoned little houses everywhere no trace off her. I walked out off the woods. I'll go again tommorow.....

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