A pet?

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I walk to the window to see where the sound was coming from, Nothing. I go outside to look where it was coming from. "Y/n! Down here!" I heard a familiar voice say. "Mally?" I ask putting my hand down. She climbs onto my hand."we miss you and hatter very much, so i decided I would come live with you!" Mally said chuckling. "First some things you have to learn." I said petting her. "One you can't walk on two paws, and two mouses don't wear clothes here." I said awkward. "But I love clothes!" She said with puppy eyes."But you can wear clothes when only me and hatter are home, okay?" I said making her cheer up again. She started to take off her clothes and stood on all four paws. "One thing you can't talk just squeak." I said almost forgetting. "This world is difficult!" Mally said frowning. I took her inside. "Look what I found!" I said opening my hands. My mom jumped on a chair. "A mouse!" She said scared. "Can I keep her?" I asked with a cute face. My parents sighed. "Ok then." My mom said getting off the chair. "I'll call her mallymkum, but for short Mally!" I said and put her on the table. "Hello Mally!" Hatter said petting her. "Y/n do you guys have straws?" He asked. "We do."I said And took one out off a plastic container. I gave it to hatter seeing him putting the straws upside down in his tea. "Drink little one." He said holding the straw in front of her face. My parents were shocked when she started drinking out the straw. My brother ignored it all going upstairs. I picked up a crumb off bread and gave it to mally. She started eating and squeaking. I think she likes it. "We're going to work." My dad said closing the newspaper. My parent got into their cars and drove off the separate way. "I'm going to the store to get a cage for mally." I said grabbing my wallet and keys. "Hatter can you babysit mally for me?" I asked him waiting for response. "I'll do that!" He said confident. "Great, Bye!" I said waving at them. I walked out the door to the pet shop. After some blocks I finally make it. I go inside and look for some nice cages.

I see a nice one. One with tunnels and sort off stuff.

I get also get some sawdust, a water drinking thing and a bowl

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I get also get some sawdust, a water drinking thing and a bowl. I walk to the cashier Putting everything on the counter. When I paid, I try'd to pick it up but I can't seem to lift it. "Need some help with that?" A guy asked me. "Yes please help me." I said to the guy that seemed around my age. He picks up the cage and puts the bowl in the cage. I carry the sawdust and drinking thing. "What's your name?" I asked him after one block. "My name is Felix." He said with a slight smile. "I'm y/n." I said. We arrived home and I stop. "Here it is! Thanks for helping me." I said putting the things in front off the door. "Can I have your number?" Felix asked giving me his phone. "Sure." I said while typing my number into his phone. "Thanks! Talk to you later!" He said walking away. "Bye!" I shout after him. I put the key in the lock opening it. "Hatter can you help me!" I shout. No response. "Hatter!" I shouted. I walk into the dining room seeing him knocked out with a bleeding nose. "Hatter!" I said running to him. "He's still alive don't worry!" Mally said with relief. I shake him and shout: "hatter!! Wake up!" He wakes up and sits up on the floor. I grab a paper towel for his nose. "What happened?" I asked mally. "Your brother and him were fighting, hatter never hit him just missed." Mally said with a sad face. I stroke hatters cheek. "Its gonna turn out okay some time, I promise." I said helping him up. "I'll go lay down for a bit." Hatter said walking to the living room. I picked up the cage and put it on the dining table. I put some sawdust in so she can dig. I put the square bowl on its side so mally can have a private area. I fill up the drinking thing with tea and hang it up. In the bowl that was already in the cage I put some breadcrumbs. I put mally in the close the door. "Do you like it?" I asked her. "I would like my house in underland better." She said. "But I do like it!" She said immediately running to the tunnels. It was fun to see how she was running around. I picked up her cage and put it in my room. I put it next to hatters mattress so they can talk to each other.

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