All this for food

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Me, hatter and mally are sitting on the couch. Hatter's nosebleed stopped a while ago and mally was sitting on his hat. It was almost time for lunch. "Should we go to a café or something?" I asked them both. "What's a café?" Hatter asked confused. "It's a place to eat and drink." I said explaining it to them. "We'll go to the McDonald's, you can take it with you." I said standing up. "We do have to normalize you hatter." I said pulling him upstairs. "Am I not normal?" He asked confused. "For this world not." I said grabbing some foundation. "Sit on the bed." I said grabbing some beauty blenders. He sits down and I apply some foundation on his face. I blended it out and he looked kinda normal. "What did you put on my face?" Hatter asked looking in a mirror. "Something that changes your skin color." I said grabbing some sunglasses. "Here for your eyebrows." I said putting on the glasses. I went to the dryer to get a hoodie and some jeans from my brother. "Put these on,this is what the most guys wear." I said throwing him the clothes. I went out off my room. "Why do you have my clothes?!" I heard Nathan ask concerned. "Well i, we, I just..." I started stuttering. "You do everything for him!" He said angry. "You even let him live here!" He shouted. Then he kicked me in the leg. Making me fall to the ground. He gave me one last kick on my back. I scream in pain. "What do you think your doing?" Hatter said with silver eyes I have never seen before. He stood in the doorframe still in his normal clothes and without make-up. "What can you do? Your just a hatter!" Nathan said arrogantly. Hatter threw five pin at the same time at him. Four in his stomach and one his crotch. He pulls the pins out immediately, putting his hands in front off his crotch. He quickly recovered and went to give a blow on hatter face. But hatter just dodged it like a tea cup from thackery. Hatter grabbed his wrists and started storming down the stairs. Opened the door and threw Nathan out. He walked up the stairs helping me up. He put one off my arms around his neck, helping me to my bed. "You don't have to do this for me hatter." I said trying to hide the pain. "Someone has to stand up for you!" He said looking at my leg. "It will become a bruise nothing serious." He said relieved.

Hatter POV

Should I ask if I can look at her back? She did get kicked there.... but she's wearing a dress! That would be pervert off me! She would right? She did sleep with me two times! (And not type off sleeping with someone you perverts) I'll just ask she does have things under it right? But maybe she's uncomfortable with that! "Hatter? Are you okay?" I heard y/n ask me. I snap back to reality. "Yes, I'm fine!" I said quickly. Should I just ask maybe it's a little rude, or she'll just understand it as my care. Okay! I'll just ask! "C-Can I maybe check your back?" I asked looking away.


Should I? My brother can walk in any second! "Did you change me at the castel?" I asked first.
"I didn't, the maids did." Hatter said concerned about my question. "Would you want to?" I asked with a seductive voice. "You would let me?" Hatter asked suprised. I nodded. "I'll look at your back then." Hatter said moving closer to me. I took off my dress making me stand in just my undergarments. Hatter started a moment but then turned me around and looked at my back. "Where does it hurt?" Hatter asked not seeing a wound. "He kicked on the back off my bra." I said pointing to what holds It together. He separates the ends. I quickly catch them before they fall. "O lord! (Sorry if your religious) there's a huge scar on your back!" Hatter said wiping away bloodstains from my back. "There are bandaids and creams in the second drawer." I said still holding up my bra. He grabbed a cream and a bandaid and walked back over to me. He pulls up the sleeves off the jacket and starts applying cream And spreading it out. He put a bandaid on and connected the ends off the bra again. "Thank you again." I said turning around. "This is the second time!" Hatter giggled. Then there was silence. We stare into each other eyes. Hatter came closer to me and he placed his lips on mine. I kissed back putting my hands in his neck. Hatter puts his hand around my waist and we share a soft kiss. He pulled back. "We should go that café off yours." He said awkward. "Yeah..." i said missing his soft lips already. I put on my dress again and We head downstairs. "What took so long?!" Mally said annoyed.  "I decided to not normalize him." I said with a smile. Hatter put mally in his pocket and we started walking. Too bad my parents work at the same time. I could've taken the car. We arrive at the McDonald's café. We went to a order kiosk. We already were giving weird looks. "What do you like hatter?" I asked him. "They got burgers, fries, drinks and desserts." I said pointing at all off the things. "Do they have scones?" He asked curiously. "No, but they have tea and croissants." I said while ordering a caramel latte and some macarons. "I'll take that then." He Said joyfully. "I wonder how these things work!" Hatter said "I wish we had these in underland!" He said amazed. "Not so loud people can hear us." I wisper to hatter. I paid for the meal and we waited. After five minutes they gave it and we walked home. On the way home we got weird looks again. It gives me anxiety.

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