A other heart

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I was feeding Mally putting cookie parts in her bowl while hatter was showering. It has been almost a week after she went to underland. I miss it, my safe place, the place I would want to stay forever...I heard my phone notification sound and looked. It was Felix I put the last cookies In mally's bowl and looked at what he said.

Hey y/n!😁

Hey Felix!
Thx for helping me today😁

No prob😇

I'm really glad I met you!
I only have one friend😐

I do have a friend group
But get left out

I'm sorry

But I was wondering if I could come over?

Sure when?

In 10 mins


What's your address again?

**** ***** 50

Thx cya!


"What are you doing?" Hatter asked. "Just talking with a new friend." I said putting away my phone. "He's coming over." I said standing up. "He?" Hatter asked confused. "I thought you only had alice!" He said concerned. "I met him at the pet store." I said explaining it to him. I gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Be nice okay?" I said to him. "Okay...." He said expressionless. After 10 minutes I heard the doorbell. I went downstairs and opened the door. "Hey Felix!" I said letting him in. "Hey y/n! Thanks that I can come over." Felix said. He was wearing black jeans and a fnaf t-shirt with messyblack hair. I feel someone watching us. I look at the stairs and see hatter standing there. "Come with me." I said as I pulled him to my room hatter following us. "Felix this Tarrant, hatter this is Felix!" I said introducing them to each other. I check on mally to see if she's sleeping. Nope still eating the cookies. Maybe they were too big... "so what are we gonna do?" Felix asked looking around. "Watch a movie or something?"
I suggest. "Want to join us?" I asked hatter. "Okay, I'll bring mally!" He said picking her up from the cage. We all went downstairs to see my parents. "I'm off to work!" My dad said kissing my cheek "your mom walked to her friends house maybe she'll stay there." Dad said concerned. "Why?" I asked him. "They'll definitely drink wine, and you know your mom." He said with a slight smile. He opened the door and left. When he drove away Nathan came running down stairs and leaving immediately. To his friends I guess? "Felix, can you pick a movie, I watch everything basically." I said sitting on the couch. I turned on the tv and switched it to Netflix. I gave Felix the remote and he started searching. I sat between hatter and Felix. And mally on hatter's hat that he took off. "I'm gonna take off my jacket real quick." He said leaving. He came back in his white shirt. I think he noticed how much I like that. It just makes him more attractive. "How about tall girl?" Felix suggested. "Fine by me? And you hatter?" I asked him. "Why do You call him hatter?" Felix interrupts. "Because I am a hatter!" Hatter said already irritated by everyone asking that. "But okay let's watch it." He said calming himself down. Like after 15 minutes or something. We got by the piano scene.

Hatter POV

I keep glaring at that Felix guy. At one point he wanted to put an arm around her. So I quickly put my arm around her neck. Not giving him a chance. He glared at me. Punch him! No no no y/n wouldn't like that. Come on then! No!! She wouldn't trust me anymore. make him jealous then! That's actually a good idea! I'll have to do it by a kiss in what you call a movie.

A while later

We were at the part in a train I guess. There it was I could feel a kiss coming up in the movie. I didn't know when it was going to happen! And there as I predicted a kiss part. I looked at y/n and she turned to me. We came closer to each other and she placed her lips on mine.

Felix POV

There was a kiss scene and I looked at y/n and she was kissing that Tarrant guy! A weird looking ass guy! I could punch him! He ruined my plan! But i don't wanna hurt her feelings! I fell in love with her the moment she talked to me... I never felt so close to someone but...nevermind!

Me and hatter kissed again I loved feeling his lips on mine. Just a kiss no tonguing but I've never done that so.... how would I be supposed to do that.
I paused the movie and got three blankets for us. "Here it's getting cold." I said throwing the blankets at them. They both grabbed one and snuggled under them. I sat between them hatter putting his arm around my neck again. Suddenly I feel a hand on my thigh but it wasn't hatter. It was felix's hand I quickly removed his hand before he would go further. We continued to watch the movie. The movie ended. "Y/n can I stay over?" Felix asked. "I'm sorry but I got no room! Hatter is staying here." I said as friendly as possible. Hatter grinned with teeth at him. Looked kinda creepy. "I'll be going!" Felix said. "Bye Felix." I said waving at him. He walked out the door looking kinda angry. Wonder what's that about. "We should go to sleep." Hatter whispered while picking mally up carefully. She has fallen asleep. We bring her to her cage and put her in There carefully. I went to the bathroom to do My business and change clothes. I walk back to my room seeing hatter looking at mally while she sleeps. Looks kinda creepy...maybe just something from underland. He already changed into his pajamas. And even had a cute hat to fit it! "Is it okay if I sleep with you again?" I asked hatter kinda awkward. It made him look up. "Sure! Always!" Hatter said joyfully we both layed down on my bed and snuggled together. "Goodnight hatter..." I said with a tired expression. "Sweet dreams.." hatter said kissing me just one more time. And we both drifted to sleep.

Hey guys! I'm wondering if I should do a smut! But I dont know if it's gonna turn out good😣. Let me know if you want one! A/n

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