Into the woods

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The School day has ended and the bell rings. Summerbreak has started! I walk home alone because my bestfriend alice was missing again. While walking past her house I see her. I hide behind a tree to see her where she's going. I follow her and after 10 minutes I see her go into the woods. I follow her into the woods. Not to deep into the woods she stopped. I hide behind a tree. She looks around and jumps inside a rabbit hole. I looked down the rabbit hole and saw nothing but darkness.

II kept this place in mind. I'll go monday then she is 2 weeks in Spain. I walk out of the woods and walk home. I open the door and go to my room. When I opened the door my brother was waiting for me again. My brother hates me. My parents were forgetting him often. Sometimes mom didn't even cooked food for him. He always waits for me to scold me and beat me up.

"Please stop this Nathan!i it isn't my fault they keep forgetting you!" I beg with the cutest face I could make. "It is your fault y/n! If you weren't born I would be happy!" Nathan shouted. "Just go hangout with your bestfriend or something. If you even have friends." He said. Alice is my only friend. But she keeps disappearing. "I wish they put you up for adoption or aborted you!" When he shouted that he punched my face. I fell to the ground. Nathan keeps beating me till I pass out. After 15 minutes I wake up with a lot of bruises and a black eye. I covered it with makeup cause my parents were almost home. I love my brother I never snitched on him. Nobody knew I always tell alice me and brother were just playing. And parents never noticed. Just two days and I can escape him for awhile.

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